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Everything posted by markp76

  1. Scruffings all well and good but i have to catch the little fekka 1st!
  2. My 11 month old pup beddy/whippet/greyhound would have been what i would class as stock broken not a proble around the local cows/horses but for some strange reason my last 2 walks he has decided to run off in big fat arsed circles around a group of them obviously i want to put a stop to this as its a big NO NO. He is to put it polietly as thick as pig s***e and very slow on the uptake any suggestions as what the best course of action would be?
  3. It is what it is just fancy getting out with another lurcher or too, based on the Notts/Derby boarder if any 1 fancys it giveme a shout.
  4. Just read a copy of "i walked the night" are there any more classics modern or old that i should be reading?
  5. Bought a copy of i walked the night off amozon for the princely sum of £1.75 it duely arrived a little dog eared and faded and i thought mmmmmmmmmmmmm what the bloody hell's this pile of **** read the first few pages and couldn't put the bloody thing down finished it that day. Thanks for the tip off looks like i might have to get myself a copy of his life and times.
  6. No the feeling well, about 10 years ago i used to work in the tackle trade and there was a power cut 1 night oops! Opened the fridge door in the morning and the walls where moving!
  7. And me nd i'm from Nottingham too looks like all our permissions are how can we say a bit sh**e, plenty of long ears on mine but not many bunnies.
  8. If your wanting them at there biggest then deffo Jan and Feb just before there getting ready to spawn, time of day can very with the venues you fish 1 place i go to you can more or less guarante a run between the hours of 10.30 and 12.00 don't ask me why as i haven't got a bloody clue! other venues first and last light, but always use top quality bait and you shouldn't go far wrong
  9. BLoody hope not, just down load your photo's to photo bucket and use the image link.
  10. Just took this pic of my 16 month old little boy and the new puppy collie x whippet, nothing wrong with starting them young is there?
  11. Is there anything you can do to prtect your night vision when out on the lamp? Or is a head torch the only way to go about it?
  12. Had a akita that we had pts last year who suffered from fits legs went stiff and she fell to the floor shaking and making a strange sort of noise, the vet seemed to think it was epilepsy but wasn't worth treating as the fits were too infrequent, only happened in hot weather though, the vet also reccomended to give her something cool like a ice lolly {not much good in the field} to help her core temp and sugar levels and the best thing for recovery was a darkened room, hope every thing goes well with you dog mate.
  13. I did my missis a pumpkin and butternut squash soup the other week {bloody weight watchers meant i had to use my brain and make it 0 points} have to say it was very nice and she enjoyed it too which says something.
  14. Best bit of advice i can give is go with a experienced pike fisherman the first time! Nothing worse than seeing a novice trying to unhook a pike when they havent got a clue and seeing the fish suffer! Had to step in on more than 1 occasion in the past to help, another often over looked bit of kit is a decent pair of croppers they come in handy if you do happen to get a deep hooked fish and can't remove the trebles.
  15. Just got myself a collie whippet 1st cross the other day 9 weeks old she looks very collie ish to me but put her photo on here earlier in the week and a few lads just said she looks like a collie grey pup to them, so would be interested in a pic or too myself just to see what she might turn out like.
  16. Some sound advice there fellas thanks, i know he can do it as he's done in August and he manages the sofa quite easily too ill try some of these little tricks and see if they work, once again thanks.
  17. Very good for jam making as they have a high amount of pectin in them.
  18. I know its been asked before but how can i do it? He's 10 months old he'll gladly jump over small obstacles in the garden but when out and about not a chance get to a style and you havent got a chance! As for getting him in the boot........................ i could understand if he was old he just makes it look such hard work! Help.
  19. I have a problem in that i wear glasses and what with winter and the rain coming up i'm after a decent hat with a good sized peak to offer my glasses a bit of protection from the elements any suggestions? Preferably not a daft deer stalker type thing my old man bought me 1 the other year for christmas, ill say no more!
  20. Heres a couple more ive managed to get hold of not great photos but you get the idea Hollie
  21. Same as rough coated not bothered going out this last month other than when i went to Dorset for my holiday a couple of weeks ago, how can you refuse a day on the Stour no matter how low and clear?
  22. Ill try and get a couple more later for you he stands about 22 inch to the shoulder and is as daft as a brush! Goes by the name of Jasper
  23. Heres my beddy/whippet cross whippet sorry about the pic but just managed to snap him quickly while he was still after playing with the other little un.
  24. Heres a photo of the new pup i picked up yesterday shes supposed to be a first cross collie whippet but a couple of folks say they can see some staffy in her and personally i think the whippet in her got lost, any thoughts?
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