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Everything posted by markp76

  1. 23 views and not 1 comment surely theres something out there worth getting?
  2. Like the title says i have £200 burning a hole in my pocket what can i get either 2nd hand or brand new for that sort of money thats reasonable for the odd bunny and pigeon down the small farm i have a permission on? Any help or advice would be greatfully recieved.
  3. I'm with tesco can't fault them for paying out and you get club card points lol, 2 dogs 2 injuries in exactly the same place {ripped chest}both done within about 4 months of each other! And not a problem, the vets thought i was taking the pee when i took the 2nd 1 in with the same thing!
  4. This season i've been out the grand total of 5 outings, caught fish every time but even the news from one of my angling pals of 3 barbel for 38lbs {the biggest being 16lb 8oz} hasn't made me want to get of my arse and get out, would much sooner be doing anything but fishing what the hells wrong with me??????????????????
  5. Stupid question could you get away with using courgettes instead of marrow? As i've got them coming out my arse at the moment.
  6. Can knock your confidence i have found when using them as pure fish finders, My mate owns 1 and after a biteless 6 hrs on a crystal clear river trent we decided to have a map of the bottom and look for fish errrrrrrrr lets just say i packed the rods in and moved a few miles up river, but this was and still is a productive area.
  7. Got my self a allotment and the accosiation say its fine to keep fowl on there, now i havent got a clue where to start but allways fancied a crack at it,eggs for starters but meat would also be nice in the future so any advice or tips you can give me would be great especially on breed preferance,the only problem i can see is that the place has to be kept 100% organic. Obvioulsy i need a coop would it be feasable to convert a old shed? How big a run would 4 or 5 birds need? Thanks in advance lads. Mark
  8. The fishing dropped off as they had a problem with KHV i believe, used to be great yrs ago but not been down that way for a good 7 yrs
  9. Did some sloe vodla and gin this year the missis loves the stuff, wanting to try doing some elder flower wine next year as it sounds easy enough, any 1 ready to offer any advice?
  10. Are you willing to post or is it collection only?
  11. Found a pile of rubbish lure boxes and old line including foregein literature on the banks of the trent last week you could even see where they had a fire!
  12. I may know a man who has a a few thousand of the old mustard gold sweetcorn hooks, what size are are you after? And more importantly are they for fishing
  13. Tesco premium cover for me too got both dogs covered and got a discount think its £13 for 1 and a £10 for the other, 1 of the wifes realatives have been travelling from tamworth to the rvc in london with 1 of there dogs its cost over £10k but they only stumped up the 1st £100 , madness in my eyes the dog should have been pts but then thats there choice not mine, but it certainly proves the value of a good insurance policy!
  14. £3 a bunny from the butchers bloody hell! Even worse £2.50 for a pigeon!

  15. Got bored this afternoon while the little lad was fast asleep so decided to have a play in the kitchen, sorry all the weights are in new money but its a age thing 1kg red onions 100 gms cherry tomatoes 1 red chilli {less or more to suit your taste} 100grm caster sugar 100ml red wine vinegar 100ml white wine {supppose you could use red just happened to have some white knocking about} Splash of worcester sauce Really simple finely chop the onions, chilli and tomatoes put them all in to a big bottomed pan and heat until the onions have softened then add the sug
  16. This is giving Nottingham a bad name! Not that it had a very good 1 to start with. I prefer stippets reckon you could get a extra £120 for that.
  17. Funny you should say that we wanted another dog to go with the beddy whippet we have and she who must be obeyed was wanting a lab springer cross or something nice and fluffy but what did we end up with? Ooops a whippet collie cross and not a hint of fluff in sight !
  18. Yes but your forgetting if you give them a silly name like a sprollie, cockapoo or a labradoodle you can add an extra £50 to £100 on to the price you would pay for a collie cross springer
  19. Don't know im i'm putting this in the right forum but is any 1 based localish to me {5 mins away from junction 26 of the M1} who can help me out in getting a few? Obviously i'm willing to pay the going rate for them so if you have any spare drop me a line. Kind regards Mark
  20. Well in there chap same size as my pb caught off the Trent, not managed to get out of late yet it's ideal conditions for them, so any 1 reading get down the river and fill your boots!
  21. petzl every time for me!
  22. Great pics and right up and 2 fantastic looking dogs.
  23. Keep reading that they have a heart of a lion no ones ever met mine, hes more like the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz coupled with the scarecrow's brain but he's still a young un and learning every day and i wouldn't change him for the world he's great with our little boy and as fast as i could want him to be!
  24. a long shot i know but found a few of these while out on a moch with the dogs today, they look very similar to a certain 1 i know you can eat {the name escapes me at the moment} does any 1 know if this is edible or not? Thanks in advance.
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