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About StephOC

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    Born Hunter

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  1. A few years ago my husband showed me a video he’d just taken in a stubble field nearby. It clearly showed a large cat shaped figure. As tall as the dead grass and weeds beside it, about 2ft, making its way along the field side. Its movement was a bit lumbering, more like a badger, quite short legs, but the long tail could only have been a cat. He was in his truck, and slowly drove to where the lane would meet the field margin. I couldn’t understand how this big wild animal wasn’t running away from the truck, surely it could see and hear it. Lost sight of it for a moment behind some
  2. Thank you Shaunnaltoft. Bought a copy. These’ll keep him going a while. Thanks.
  3. That’s kind, thanks. Every hare and pheasant we see out walking its “Well my harris hawk might’ve got that one.” And another lecture about how to hold your arm just right for it. Walked half a mile yesterday carrying his water bottle in his outstretched arm to ‘build up his arm muscles’. He’s only 17kg, probably fair game for the eagles he’s been watching in Mongolia!
  4. Thank you Moorman1. I’ve found one of Martin Hollinshead’s books on eBay. I’m further north now, in Angus, there’s a falconer near here I’ll go and have a chat to. Thanks again.
  5. My son is very keen on falconry. He understands there’s a lot to do before he gets even close to buying a bird and it’s not put him off. We’ve watched YouTube from eagles in Mongolia to sheiks in Saudi. He’s only six but very capable in his manner. He’s been lucky enough to handle various birds on a falconry trip in the summer. Desperate to go again. We've Read books by jemima parry, Emma ford and James Harris. I wondered if anyone might be able to suggest your favourite books please? He’s thinking a male harris hawk would be best. I found an American book, The Harris Hawk Revolution, b
  6. Junior Air rifle wanted View Advert My son is interested in shooting but my air rifles are too big. 10th Birthday is end of the month. looking to buy a second hand junior .177 or .22, probably prefer .177. Thinking I’ll get him something second hand now and if all goes well he can have something fancier down the line. Would need to be local to Angus/North east Scotland or posted please. I’ve got my ticket, insurance, cabinet, private land, lecture him on safety, etc. Advertiser StephOC

    • Wanted
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    My son is interested in shooting but my air rifles are too big. 10th Birthday is end of the month. looking to buy a second hand junior .177 or .22, probably prefer .177. Thinking I’ll get him something second hand now and if all goes well he can have something fancier down the line. Would need to be local to Angus/North east Scotland or posted please. I’ve got my ticket, insurance, cabinet, private land, lecture him on safety, etc.


  8. I read that this is against the law now; breeding vertebrate animals for the purpose of feeding to other animals (without licenses or something). So long as its not poisoned, can't imagine the way you kill the mouse make any difference to the ferret.
  9. I've fed a rook I shot: no problem. Mites are largely species (or at least class) specific. I'd reckon freezing would kill the mites anyway. sorry I'm too far away to take them off you.
  10. I've had these two ferrets for a few weeks now. They don't bite anymore, and i can pick them up, but I wouldn't trust them enough to stick my hand down a rabbit hole after them! I have photos, but turns out I don't know how to get them off my camera phone onto the PC. I think they've come too tame to be wild polecats. Saying that, they're still terrified every time I open they're hutch. They either run into the pipe and refuse to come out or just lie totally still in their bed, apparantly petrified. I've had them in the court a few times, and after a while they do move about, but
  11. I'll prob not be able to get my camera sorted and get photos till begining of next week. Ferretertom: They are very 'mussely' to touch. I was suprised as previous strays that I've ended up with have been really thin. Will post photos when I can. Cheers.
  12. I did this a few years ago for my local fair. It and had some sections of see-through pipe that I'd scrounged and some wire sections so that prople could see. A roll of chicken mesh and wire hoops (a bit like croquet hoops) and tent pegs, every few meters, is a really easy way to support the wire into an arch and pin it into the ground. Connected to purple drainage pipes, etc. There were small cages at the start and end of the courses to hold and catch the ferrets. I think I had just two courses, and four ferrets. I had a big cage for them to rest in which fitted inside an old canva
  13. They're in Angus, Scotland, so nowhere near you. Thank you though. I had a look on the internet and it seems the colouration is slightly different in wild polecats, so I'll have a look when I can!
  14. Neighbour trapped two ferrets in his chicken shed and I ended up with them at the weekend. They're pretty wild, although I have picked them both up (had to to get them out of trap) and stroked them a bit (to see their condition and any injuries). In the trap cage they were petrified and limp, as soon as I set them in my pen (not with any other ferrets) they shot off to the darkest recesses and I've mostly left them to it. They both now hide, hiss and have tried to bite me and ended up with a mouthful of jumper! Anyone lost them? Or want them?
  15. Thats really rubbish for you and your team. I'd be gutted. Not that I'm planning on buying any boxes, but this DD timbers company, perhaps a strongly worded letter? So that they may at least refine their design. Has anyone else had any problems? Are there any ferret rescues in South Wales that you could try for an adult? Even the RSPCA rehoming?
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