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About huntinggirl

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. yeah i agree with most of the comment, something just doesnt sound true, why would he invite you when he does not know you, it could be anyone, seems to be as tho he may have alternative motive just be careful. if it was me i wouldnt be taking my dogs anywhere.
  2. is that what a nuttal looks like? black terrier in the above pic? ive never heard of them untill the other days when walking down to the school with a mate who's hubby hunts up on the fells. she said you pay alot of money for a good worker?
  3. come on everyone, open your eyes to it, this thread had been left, gone into the cave as past events then, bang our fellow friends Sue Rothwell and her devoted partner Tim Green, places a post today, to bring this thread back to our attention, WHY you may ask yourself? answer to wind people up, to get folk's back up, which they do very well, but most of all they bring this thread to the moderator's attention to get the thread deleted, i am sure the moderator's can see what this bitter couple are trying to do. lets keep it open, then maybe 10/22 will go else where, with that motor mouth.
  4. [my dog does rabbit and rats, my bitch does earth work
  5. your wasting your time fireman, you should have learnt by now that people who put the plummer terrier down either don't own one, never have worked one, but there all such experts. you can slate me all you want, but i am a plummer owner i have two, both really good worker's (i have nothing to prove to you lot, what my plummer's do keep me happy which is what counts). my advice fireman you are with this lot.
  6. Who told you that ? o k ...so i lied. it was a long time ago. and it was just a quik one. dirty bugger..
  7. Will you be having the tails of your pups docked when they are born huntinggirl? no i wont be docking the tails when mine are born, doesnt mean that why will be show dogs though, because im a person where i like both side's, ratting and rabbiting, as well as showing. about the showing of docked plummer's you will be able to show them, but only to a non-paying crowd, where there is a fee to pay to show your dog's you will not be bale to show. i hope i have explained that ok.. nice to see more pic's of plummer's though, nice to see some more, its not the dogs fault that we have
  8. yes the docking law is the same for plummer's, if you do get a dog (plummer) that is docked after the ban came into effect, then you cant show it, and make sure that its been docked by a vet and also mico chipped by the vet.
  9. as i said if your wanting a earth dog to work fox then letting it on rabbits is going to put you in the position were you dig some holes for a poxy bunnie.... would look really good if out with a keeper for the first time arrrrr, i see your point now. sorry
  10. what im trying to say is, if my bitch come's across a hole either fox or rabbit that is being used and there is something there, then in her way she will let me know thats there is something there, it doesnt matter fox or rabbit she will work it, where my other terrier's wont.
  11. i havea bitch that does both, rabbits and earth you will find that once the dog has picked up the sent they will follow that sent, when my bitch is doing earth there isnt much i can do, she falls deaf ears so i have to let her carry on, until she is happy to stop, sometime's this can be a right pain... i dont think there are many that do earth as well as rabbits. i cant see there being a prob just make sure you take the pup out with a good worker that will teach the right things, but leave the earth work until its older, i think that when we get a pup as a worker, we all want to get it o
  12. here are my plummer's... one of mine winning best b**ch plummer at the kelmarsh show. few of the dogs just messing. there my plummer's so far.
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