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Everything posted by lampingmad1

  1. hi mate could you pm me your very best price and whot it comes with cheers
  2. hi there my mate has got a 9 mounth old well bred daytime bitch for sale the dam stanley bred bitch won 10 out of 11 matches pure winter daytime the sire nipper this bitch pup is about 22 23 to the shoulder red bitch has had 3 slips and killed 3 but as you all no they are weak this time of the year but she is just coming up to 9 mounths old so coming on well he wants £280 only for sale due giving up daytime so would have a deal for a pure whippet or a 3/4 whippet x under 20 inch and under 10 mounths old and would take a lightforce blitz or striker lamping pack in with a deal my number is 0774
  3. hi there i have 8 months old blue and white staff good tempermant great with kids and other dogs pedigree but do not have the papers for sale no fault of hes own £ 250 pm or call 07765090330 cheers
  4. hes good in kennel good with other dogs and livestock hes recall is good he will walk to heal hes verry fast and hes ready for hes first rabbit and my number is 07748444615 cheers for your replys
  5. thanks for all your replys i will put some pics up later nice bullx bitch lurcher123 has but i know someone who is due to have a litter of 1/2 whippet 1/4 bull 1/4 grey soon and ive seen the dam and sire work so just need the kennel space
  6. hi there i have a 11 to 12 months old 3/4 whippet 1/4 bedlington dog hes broken coated sandy in colour and he needs a little bit more work on hes retrieving but re call good and he will walk to heal reason he has to go is that a have new permission with bigger stuff on it so would swop for a black whippety bullx bitch pup or £150 ono cheers
  7. hi everyone i have some hand crafted catapults ( crafted by myself ) they are all perfectley balanced and include square elastic or round elastic brass bullet tops brass split pins pre wax twine a leather tongue most are all buffalo horn but some has white camel rings in them the small ones start from about £40 and go up about £60 for the big ones depending on how much work are put in them like polishing and different styles ect but i will say they last longer then the money
  8. hi everyone i have some hand crafted catapults (crafted by myself) they are all perfectley balanced and include square elastic or round elastic brass bullet tops brass split pins wax twine and a leather tongue some are all buffalo horn and some has white camel rings through them some small and some big they start fom £40 and go to about £60 depending on the size and how much work are put on them like polishing and the different styles ect they last much longer then the money
  9. hi there i live in coventry and i need to bring on my 9 months old whippet x bitch she is all ready broke to ferrets could some one help me please
  10. nice little pups mate how was there dam and sire breed was they 1 cross or 3/4
  11. any pics mate and [bANNED TEXT] amp battery is it
  12. look verry nice pups how big will they make mate
  13. hi mate will have one if not 2 fare away so could you give a location cheers dave
  14. any pics mate and has he been on the lamp
  15. hi mate i made a perfecley balanced buffalo horn catapult with square elastick, brass bullet tops, brass split pins, leather tong, verry verry good catty similiar 2 my unckle sam stanley cattys he uses and shows on the warreners dvd the old ways of the poacher vol 1/2 and mouching ways and hunting days pm me back and i will try 2 put pics up cheers dave
  16. any pics and it that with battery and charger cheers
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