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zigzag dan

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Everything posted by zigzag dan

  1. dont think it matters what breed of bull is used - what counts is the individual bull used - ive seen pit crosses that jacked and the best bull x i saw work was a staff cross - so you cannot generalise
  2. most of the founder members of the EDL are from LUTON TOWNS old football firm - THE MIGS - but they are now lads who have now got their own business,s and made a few quid - the main man - Tommy Robinson served in the Navy for a good few years - make no mistake they are not mugs and are here to stay - they are not racist - some of the LUTON boys are infact black - they are proud of their country especially our troops
  3. i live near there and usualy they turn all roads into - tow away zones - near it so be careful
  4. shes definately built for comfort not speed !!
  5. Next time Simon Hart comes knocking on my door after my vote, I'll pull him up on it. Never mind Simon -i wish Clare would knock my door !!
  6. good news !- shes a tough old boot and Sir Mark is a bounder ! Loads of money - top totty always hanging off him - scurge of the bookies - what a hero !
  7. I was talking to Clare Rowson - CA rep - the one who got nicked at the last w-loo cup !!! - she said David Cameron had told her that all hunting - although regulated - will return - we can only wait and see !
  8. Why is it that whichever line of bullxs get mentioned someone slags them off - golly - punch - arthur - pie - they must all be useless ??? Yes we all know a dog whose possibly better - ive seen one myself that i would match against anything - hes dead now but when he went he had 2 teeth left - one night we pulled a loose tooth out for him - and he still did 4 more !! My own bullx died last week doing his job - i would have him back rather than anything else - but the dog game is all about opinions - if a dog kills sheep unless they are yours let the owner make the choice Ive a pup here out of
  9. the antis will see it as a victory - but once again the courts have shown that they find this law as irritating as we do - well done to them both - Sir Marks too shrewd by far - just ask the bookies - hope to see them both at the Waterloo very soon !!!
  10. if you are rocking the lamp at the hedge - rock it just infront of the rabbitt not on him - to stop him going in
  11. isnt it about time people stopped commenting on other peoples dogs unless they have actually seen them work ! Ive a pup here out of golly lines and if he doesnt make it i wont slag golly off - 2 champs dont always breed a champ - as for the knife being used - its amazing the lads who think their dog does the ultimate quarry when all they are actuallt doing is holding on !
  12. nice pictures - we must encourage kids into the sport - my lad first went out ferretting with me at 3yr old - hes 13 now - has his own bullx and has even judged kids classes at shows - better than sitting on a playstation all day !!
  13. i recently had a pup off taff and its all he said it was - this pup is a stupidly low price - hope someone decent buys it !!
  14. ive always said - i will stop hunting when halal slaughter is banned - i think im pretty safe dont you ?
  15. the sooner people realise the badger is a bloody nuisance and needs culling the better - this week - near me there is an emergancy meeting of farmers as TB is running riot amongst their cattle - once again DEFRA and Labour are clueless about a rural issue !!
  16. if i was buying a greyhound i would want to know the breeding - same with a horse - so why not a lurcher ? When someone puts some pups up the first question someone asks is - hows it bred ?
  17. i stopped going to nlrc shows years ago as they sold terriermen down the pan with the docking issue and bullxs are as welcome at their shows as a dose of the shits !! i once heard one of their hirearchy say - they think people dont know what they do with them bullxs - just the sort of thing to say to unite all lurcher owners !!
  18. ive used redmills on racing greyhounds and it was fine - but on my lurchers after a nights lamping they were like toast racks !! i can only put it down to the high protien being ok for a dog racing for 30seconds but not for a heavy nights work - as a greyhounds work is more explosive - it also made them very hyper
  19. as i work for a firm who supplies over 150 chip shops i can tell you the price of cod is governed by the stupid fishing qoutas set by euro mps - two thirds of cod thats caught is thrown back in - usually dead -as the fines for catching too much are huge !
  20. yes hes still alive - one of the characters of the dog game ! - should never have been jailed when you see what some get away with !
  21. love the picture Ray - i had a pair of moccassons like that !!! Must agree with you ive just had a collie grey x bull grey - first time ive had any collie blood in my yard !!! - and hes so easy going and eager to please - so differant to my headstrong bullxs - not ready for a full collie grey yet - still like the point and fire stuff !!
  22. superb day -if only all shows put the emphasis on working dogs like this one does - i couldnt resist a sly smile when i saw the well known lurcher rossette hunters who were there mumbling as they were getting beat by true working dogs - keep up the good work !
  23. i see the - my halo never slips brigade - are out again !!! - Weve all done it - slipped on a young hare for the dogs first - slipped on a 3/4 grown fox - flicked the lamp to keep the rabbitt out the hedge - its called giving a young dog an advantage - too many people on here dont get out in the field enough or they would know !!!
  24. Didn't notice, I was stuck with TOMO! LOL come on ! - you two are like old married couple - you wouldnt have it any differant !
  25. yes - a quality day - the guy with the blue eyebrows is always there - but - Elvis was a new attraction - although im going to admit his girlfriend has got a dog that i bred a few years ago - then there was the chap with his 3RD THAI bride on his arm ! - please - no TING TONG jokes - but you always get some quality totty at this show -as usual there was a lovely display of LUCINDAS and Fionnas - the girl doing the raffle was sheer class !!
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