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  • Birthday 22/03/1910

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  1. he kick off today because is post got took off thats it and if you kick off onces you get kick off So you know why he was kicked off. . . . no need for a thread asking about it. so if you kick off onces you get kick off well if you kick off onces and get kick off that is shit
  2. he kick off today because is post got took off thats it and if you kick off onces you get kick off So you know why he was kicked off. . . . no need for a thread asking about it. so if you kick off onces you get kick off
  3. he kick off today because is post got took off thats it and if you kick off onces you get kick off
  4. am puting this up for a mate he as just been kick off why is name is doggers08
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