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About Vissertje

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Fishing, hunting, msn and watching movies
  1. Spot on Sue! How is the ferret now? I also think you're dealing with an infection or an abcess. I've seen it before with a ferret which had a wooden splinter lodged in it's throat. My money is on that. Or perhaps a piece of bone? Of doesn't this ferret eat prey / boney meat. Eatherway, I wouldn't wait much longer, the ferret I was talking about didn't make it. I wouldn't want the same thing to happen for this ferret...
  2. Kinderbeano, I think you forgot three words whem you typed this, so I'll add them for you
  3. I always found this very confusing as well in the Englisch language. In this case (and probably in this case only ), we're better of in Holland. A wild polecat is called a 'bunzing', a ferret is called a 'fret', a first, second or third degree crossbreed between the two is called a 'frunzing' (bunzing combined with fret) and a ferret with the markings of a wild polecat is called a 'wildkleur' (litteral translation: wildcolour). Since the ferret is the domesticated version of the wild polecat, all of them have polecat blood in them on some level. By the way, in my personal opinion, its p
  4. 20 pounds sounds fine by me, allthough if I want a kit, I can get it from a mate of mine and he'll give it to me for free, just as he would with a dog. He does however select who gets his kits / pups. People who dont work them or dont work them properly won't get them if they would pay them 100 or 1000... I also do some regular volunteerwork in a big ferretshelter, at which I am also a member of the board in this foundation. For an adult ferret which is castrated, vaccinated (with Nobivac Puppy DP) and microchipped, we charge euro's. Ferrets younger than lets say 8 months are too young t
  5. Great story indeed stealthy! And I didn't need any photo's. My imagination did the trick
  6. I'd say this video is as nice as working the 'dags' and as nice as the movie as well
  7. Good job indeed! looks like a box that will last for quite some time.
  8. same here! I'd wanna know what's in there so I'd dig it out, wherever in the burrow it may be.
  9. Nice job mate! Also looks like a fine field to be ferreting on
  10. If only they would first finish the first before they start chewing up the second one
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