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Everything posted by bunnyboy

  1. others have also had to deal with his ferret kits in a manure bags at events hamster expert rat expert ferret expert brid of prey expert i think he is now an expert on being an expert
  2. Get quite a few road kills around here and my animals love them
  3. well said Frank, seems like a know all to me Ahh Frank, seems like we were in the same line of work at one point. :11: For 12 years my work involved the integration of native species along with a wildlife group and there weren't so many polecats around.
  4. 'the poacher' In the south of where I lived for some years my polecats and ferrets were called by the locale ferreters as 'pussy polecats' because they would never kill a rabbit, they would always drag any rabbit out of the warren. I think it was in a book written by a game keeper called 'pugs and drummers' where he kept rabbits next to his ferrets / polecats and he called them 'sweethearts' because once he started keeping them none of his ferrets or polecats would kill underground, now I would have thought that was better than having to dig them out? 'Frank' Things maybe differ
  5. Well Frank. Have you experience with wild polecat or polecat hybrids? On the occasion that one of my hybrids went on walk about I stood watching her for half an hour or more in the field behind the house with one whistle from me and she shot back through the hedge, passing me an headed for the cat flap before she realised that I was in the garden, these animals are not brainless as some people seem to think, they know where they are well off. :11: :11:
  6. lol talk to certain people on ferret boards and they will tell you that there is no hope of seeing him again, just like the gamekeepers and working ferret owners around this village.
  7. My partner was feeding our ferrets the other night and one of our hobs decided to go on walk about, so after contacting the rspca, local vets and working ferrets owners or owners of pet ferrets in the area, none of which held any hope for his safe return. I phoned a friend the following evening and was talking about the hob that went on walk about, just as we were chatting there was an almighty crash of tools in the outside passage and it was one of those crashes that could only be caused by an inquisitive ferret as the dogs walk past the tools several times a day, but ferret have to chec
  8. Ask British rail, there are a lot of places out there that could do with a ferreter sorting it out.
  9. A quick blast of glyphosate weedkiller will sort out the nettles once and for all.
  10. I used to live in the north east and even my relatives who are still there would never pay £30 for a vet, I maybe a skinflint when it come to money so I chose my vet wisely and where I am at the moment I have a great vet so no way would I pay him anything like £30. I think it all depends on how you look at your animals and if they are worth taking to see a vet, are they just part of your tools which are discarded at the end of the season, or are they the much needed part of your tools and without which ferreting could not take place? Mind you I have not needed the services of a vet i
  11. Rather than post on here take her to a vet
  12. Yes silvers do lose the heavy colouring after a while, but they always (or very nearly always) retain some colouration in their fur. From what I'd gathered (as I said I've never owned one) BEWs were pure snow white with black eyes, from day one. Albinos with black eyes basically. Happy to be proved wrong, as I said I've no experience of them personally. Only what I've heard Nope no dark ticking left in their coat, I must take some pic's. Yes I do know that DEW are the same as PEW and it is only the eye colour that is diffrent in both animals. But do you know that there ar
  13. And the rabbits used to beat the ferrets up as well as the new pup when out playing
  14. The ferrets were still used for working and they would never kill any rabbits, the hob had to be put in to drag any stubborn rabbit out
  15. I have been told that the ferret gut is to acid for worms and i have yet to come across a ferret with worms. Some where on the following site you will find an order form for flea & worm treatment http://www.geocities.com/houseferrets13uk/...Page-Index.html
  16. I have seen pictures of coney and mustelids that some guy keeps together, I've also read some of his post were he has had the two types of animals out in public together
  17. All the silvers I bought have turned in to black eyed whites after their first season.
  18. I put it up because I thought that people would be interested in seeing that others have been keeping mink as pets for years. A friend in Europe keeps only mink as pets and she has done so for the past 40 years That is why i thought that you may be interested in it. That is why i thought that you may be interested in it.
  19. The cutting is from a hunting magazine which was published in the 's! I also hope that anyone who has a mink also has a licence to keep mink?
  20. Sorry couldn't work out how to put the pic on here
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