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About Hollie

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 12/11/1984

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  1. I haven't read all of the replies but lets remember this dog nearly drowned 16hrs before it was put on the show with strange noises, smells, people and bright lights, it shouldn't have been there in the 1st place, he should have been at home recovering and resting, the dog DID show warning signs, he wasn't lapping up the attention, he was showing stress, watch this video of a follow up from a behaviourist, its a shame that people put dogs in situations they can't cope with and ultimatley it is the dog who suffers!! I do feel sorry for the presenter but honestly, why was she in the dogs face li
  2. Hollie


    My daughter is 6, she has a DS which she got for christmas, i wont allow her to have a tv in her room, she isnt allowed on my laptop but i will admit she watches too much telly, only this week though she asked if she could 'play out' on her bike, i live in a small village, at the front of the house is a road with a pavement and large verge, down the side is a road but it is a no thorough road although can be busy, I wasnt sure what to do really, i did allow her, set the rules out straight, made her repeat the rules back to me lol and when she went out i watched her over the hedge, i felt sick,
  3. Lovely walk this evening, 2 deer spotted and 5 hares, beautiful :)

    1. Moll.


      Similar for me Hollie, saw a doe grazing with her 2 fawns... magical.


  4. Lovely walk this evening, 2 deer spotted and 5 hares, beautiful :)

  5. That photo of his hair cut is hilarious, i cant help smiling everytime i look at it Glad he is ok though
  6. Well said, spot on!! Funny how people write something and then try and back track by making out it is a joke and then call people tossers for resonding to something which is clearly going to get a negative reaction
  7. I know just wanted to see if i could do it, i clicked on them after id answered and was annoyed i got number 3 wrong its a good page, just shows how silly some people are to think some of those breeds are Pits, theres even a patterdale on there!! scary really!
  8. Number 16, number 3 would be my other choice but i would say 3 is an AM staff and 16 is an APBT.................................
  9. I'm the opposite to most, i never used to drink regularly, certainly never drank at home, only on the odd night out, then me and my little girls dad split and i suddenly had every other weekend free to do as i please!! I usually go out on the friday and spend all of saturday laying about feeling like shite, angry that i've wasted a whole day but if i don't go out i sit at home bored and annoyed that i've wasted an evening!!
  10. Got into bed last night and got stung by a wasp that was on my pillow the b*****d!! god damn that hurt, you dont expect that do you!!

  11. Got into bed last night and got stung by a wasp that was on my pillow the b*****d!! god damn that hurt, you dont expect that do you!!

  12. Got into bed last night and got stung by a wasp that was on my pillow the b*****d!! god damn that hurt, you dont expect that do you!!

    1. Kay


      no us girls dont need little pricks when we get into bed..lol

  13. Ohhhhhh he is a stunner, i would love a GSD as added security for me and my daughter, sadly funds dont allow at the moment, when i get one i want a well bred one, keep us up to date with his progress.
  14. Ian, is there anyway you can change the forum clock?? it is still an hour behind, so when it shows you the last post time and by who, it is wrong.......
  15. Good lad!! seriously, as a teenager, you think you know it all, i always remember my dad saying to me as a young child, clean your teeth properly, you will thank me for it when you're older, study hard, you will thank me for it when your older!!!! i didnt study hard and now i regret it, howerver, i have great teeth!! if only i'd listened hey, pops knew best!!! get your head down and do what your good at, dont look back and regret it!
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