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j davies

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About j davies

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 24/02/1966

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  • Interests
    walking my dogs shooting ferreting i have 5 ferrets all working.
    love to spend time in the country side
    do lotss of air gun shooting only in season
    lets protect the contryside as in years to come we will kill it all of

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  1. good afternoon . im looking for ferret kits for working they will have very good home and well looked after im in the wrexham area but can pick up as far as northwich
  2. does any one no or have a copy of the game fairs this year that is in the shooting times in march as i missed it this year. or tell me the addition it was in so i can get a back copy thanks
  3. I'm after a mamba lite if you've got one of them or the Hawke 3-7x32 i dont have a mamba lite but i do have a 3 9x50 hawke vantage how much is the sight worth as i have seen one for £45 but did not get it
  4. good evening does any one no what week or issue the program for the game fairs this year was in the shooing times as i missed it this year
  5. good evening does any one no what week or issue the program for the game fairs this year was in the shooing times as i missed it this year
  6. do you still have the hobs mate
  7. hi all i have 6 rolls of wire netting they are minimum of 30m long and they are 30 cm high good netting for small holding or farmer to stop rabbits and vermim from getting to your land. open to offers
  8. thanks for that i have messured it and all ok
  9. hi all i have an airarms s400 and looking for multi shot but can only see rowen engineering do them can any one say if they work how good are they and can i get one from some where else john
  10. good evening all im looking for a risk assessment or how do i down load one for ferreting and air gun shooting as its on a company ground, they have asked me to get one before i can ferret it john
  11. i would like the ferrets mate thats if they are working well, they will be well looked after to. if they still for sale
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