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Everything posted by mikeyblue

  1. Just one to watch lads, if using the newer mags in the R10 MK1s', the power can tend to creep up. Unsure why, but Ive seen on the BSA Owners Group this has been an issue for a few lads. Kind Regards, Mikey.
  2. Cracking footage mate, keep at em! Mikey.
  3. Nice looking Airwolf that mate. Always good to see corvids getting a pasting Kind Regards, Mikey.
  4. Hi Lads, Had chance to get out for a couple of hours last night before picking our lass up from work. I had issues with low power on my RWS500 but a quick trip to Staffordshire Custom Rifles soon sorted that out. Its now running at a super consistent 11.6ft/lbs using Webly Mozzies. Had an hour on my range zeroing in and plotting my trajectory out to 45yds. I was pleasently surprised at the thumb nail group sizes all the way out to 45yds, and also running the lightweight Mozzies at 813fps gives me a really flat trajectory. First impressions on this rifle are excellent. Nice walnut s
  5. I Agree Peter, I really enjoy reading threads of trips out, and equally so writing them! The airgunning section is very helpful despite people coming on asking the same questions over and over. I can see how people think we are 'back slapping', but hey, better that than cosistent bitching with each other that happens in other sections! Kind Regards, Mikey.
  6. Hi Mate, Cant help you with price mate, but if you are after an original Weihrauch, stock give Hull Cartridge a call. They are the importers for UK. There is the other option of a custom stock, depends how much cash you want to splash! Mikey.
  7. Hi Peter, Cheers mate. If I get any PM's i will let you know. From what i can see trawling the net, looks like it will have to go to Daystate (which I hate doing). I like to work on my own rifles. Will let you know how it goes mate, Mikey.
  8. Hi Lads, Before I start, if any of the mods feel this thread inappropiate then please delete. I have recently purchased second hand a RWS 500, which is the same action as the Daystate Air Ranger. The problem is it is only running at 8ft/lb. If any one has any ideas on how to tune it please, drop me a PM rather than post on this thread. Kind Regards, Mikey.
  9. Good shooting mate. Impressive haul of tree rats! Mikey.
  10. Nice video there mate, looks a cracking permission! Mikey
  11. Gutted for ya pal. Pretty sure its not a comman fault, not heard of one going before. Mikey
  12. Hi Mate, Ive looked through Leupolds, Scmidt and Benders, and other expensive glass. To be honest I dont think the difference is that massive between them and the mid range scopes. I currently use the Hawke TAC30 for HFT. Purchased it second hand for £175 , and for that price the sight picture is fantastic. If you want good glass for an air rifle, the £300 mark is more than enough. MTC, Hawke, Edgar Brothers all make antastic scopes. Mikey.
  13. Im weary about buying Ray Mears or Bear Grills merchandise. I think you are paying for the name rather than the product! Although as Andy says, £10 sounds a decent price. Best thing to do is have a hold and see how it feels in your hand. Mikey.
  14. Hi Mate, Fantastic rifle. The TX will account for many quarry Im sure Kind Regards, Mikey.
  15. I agree with travelling light, but it may not always be possible. On my main permission, its massive so If I plan a trip out its usually for a whole day. I carry a bum-bag type field bag, with food, water, veil, gloves, knife, phone etc etc. I find it a happy medium, plenty of storage whilst maintaining dexterity. Mikey.
  16. Hi Mate, Try The Morra Clipper. Absolute bargain at around twenty quid. Awesome knife, keep a great edge. Cant reccomend these enough. Ive had one for years, gutted and breasted many quarry, never let me down. I have other more expensive bushcraft knives but this is the one I keep in my field bag. http://www.lakelandbushcraft.co.uk/acatalog/Mora_Knives.html Hope this helps, Mikey.
  17. Nice video and shooting mate! Productive shoot ATB Mikey,
  18. Cheers Dotty, Know what you are sayin about London, well expensive mate, done a fair bit of work on sites there when the businees was good. Mikey.
  19. Hi All, Thinking of a carreer change. Ive worked on sites around the UK and bumped into asbestos strippers here and there. They usually seem to be on a good screw with plenty of work on. Currently I have feck all work and was concidering doing one of the stripping courses and ringing around some companys for work. Im aware of the dangers, I was wondering what the other pros and cons are. Kind Regards, Mikey.
  20. Cant go wrong with an S200 mate! I would deffinately go with the S200 over the Ultra, as the Ultra doesnt have many shots per fill. Plus with the S200 you can also add a multi-shot conversion at a later date if you find it neccesary. Kind Regards, Mikey.
  21. Great write up and pics Davy. Good to see lads (and lass) getting together and having a good day out. Have you thought about entering any of the National UKAHFT rounds? Some tough courses, its a good laugh had in some good company! Its brought my marksmanship on massively. http://www.ukahft.co.uk Kind Regards, Mikey.
  22. Hi Lads, I, as Im sure others are, are getting fed up of these threads. The bloke is obviously very delusional, if he thinks that he could have a place on this forum. He has done nothing but drag it down, and then repeatedly as its returning to normal, another thread like this pops up. Why not delete threads like this straight away? I usually stay out of arguments like this, but FFS, lets see sence here and return the Airgunning section to what it once was. Regards, Mikey.
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