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john rust

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Everything posted by john rust

  1. You can understand why Jay Z didn't pull out lol
  2. Two average boxers that think more of themselves than anyone else does
  3. sounds more like you would have to eat it along with everything else at one sitting :laugh: surely its common sense that if you only eat once a day the body can only absorb so much before it passes through, couple this with excersize and you will loose weight, but what a waste of food however smaller portions split between sensible intervals and regular excersize would also achieve the same result without the waste Exactly
  4. It got to be the close up of the ferret for me
  5. Wide awake and working at 7:00. Can't sleep

    1. PIL


      Must be excited . Lol

    2. pip1968


      hes working his hand lol

  6. An other year older..... b*****d!!!!!

    1. paulus


      im counting backwards now fook adding anymore....lol

  7. If you make your obsession your profession, you'll never work again

  8. Work tomorrow...... Shit

    1. pip1968


      you might be a bit rusty lol

  9. How do you make a gay shag a woman.... Shit in her fanny

  10. Who picks up guide dog shit?

  11. Proppa dying 2nd day in bed

    1. paulus


      welcome to my world 7 days so far......lol

  12. Had an hour out with ferreting22 last night. It was better than the other night but not great, both dogs had some good runs and both got one. Just a couple of pics Atb John
  13. Another baby attacked by a fox

  14. Cheers lads, well done fitchet I'll be only having a few more trips out with hopefully a few more rabbits. Oldhamlad I'm from Tydesley ( leigh/Wigan ) way Atb John
  15. We went out tonight to give the dogs a run or two and that's all we got . There was feck all out. Managed one with my dog Not the best pic. Atb John
  16. Out tonight

    1. lampingmanJoe


      i think i will be joining you on that one...

  17. Looking like a nice night for the dog

    1. tilfertilfer


      pissing down and blowing a gail ffs

    2. tilfertilfer
  18. Lamping, lamping lamping

  19. Fecking snowing again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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