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john rust

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Everything posted by john rust

  1. Simple folk these Americans ! Bollocks
  2. Cracking mate, will you be selling them? ATB John
  3. Took the dogs and camera out yesterday for a quick walk and play, when looking back over the pics I found this and was pissing myself. The whippet looks worried Cheers John
  4. Heres a couple off mine, hes coming up 12 months now and just starting to go to ground
  5. Got the same on a golf course over here, the rabbits seem to have fecking engines. Was out about 4weeks back and even the younguns are like greased sh## . ATB John
  6. Alright, took the dogs out the other day for a walk with my misses and her brother-in-law and his rescue JRT.All was going well until I let my whippet off, the JRT stated growling and chasing then before I could get to the dogs they started fighting like gooduns . Separated the dogs only to find a massive puncher wound in between the whippet front legs bleeding like fook, so off home I went abit pissed. Started washing the cut cleaning it out all going well until this morning when I get a ring off are kid who tells me my JRT bitch ( who is staying at hers cause she is in season ) has collaped
  7. Good idea pal, put a post up with how it goes. ATB John
  8. Thats what I did, and seemed to work fine. Just want to know where your gun're get the cats eyes from .ATB John
  9. Nice one mate ATB, John
  10. Cracking pics there mate, love that last un, looks fooking evil.
  11. Theres one on a golf course I take the dog on, ran the dog a couple of times on him but hes like gresed s##t . Went the other night and theres a young un knocking about as well.
  12. Stunning pup mate, all the best with her
  13. Don't really know mate hes a rescue
  14. Thanks for the comments,we had a great break and it is a lovley place dispite the fact we couldn't find are game, but you can't have everything
  15. Just got back from a bank holiday break with the dogs and thought I would share some pic of them. (cataloge picture)lol I hope you enjoy them, cheers for looking John
  16. Just had the same problem with the whippet,where do you get that plastic skin from mate.Cheers John
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