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john rust

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Everything posted by john rust

  1. I've got a 2/3 gun cabinet (shotgun) for sale. 2 locks, 2 keys. Iam looking for £60 pick up. Thanks John
  2. Ive just ordered my frist net making kit for some of the reasons stated above, I want to be abel to say it was me and my own that did the job. ATB John
  3. This is only the 5th/6th time the two running dogs have been ferreting so there marking is something we are working on, he does have a good making terrier but shes in season . Cheers John
  4. Was out again Sunday on a new spot, where we were told we would strugle to carry the catch away. So off we went, first set 20 nets down, ferret in and NOTHING. Next set nets down ferret in and.....NOTHING. After a couple of hours we decided to call it a day. (my first trip where I've drawn a blank). On the way home my mate said theres a small set which would be good for the young ferrets to have a go, and may through a rabbit out. We netted up and put the ferrets in 30 mins later 8 in the and 4 getting away . Put the jill though 1 last time and 4 more hit the nets This was my first double so
  5. Mally that is a really nice dog mate, and by the looks of it its doing a fine job How old is it mate? ATB John Mally wish you all the best in the comp mate, if nothing else to let people know the whippet in the right hands will do as much as any other dog. ATB John She's 28 month old, I'm more than happy with her mate. I use her for ferreting, lamping and flushing the odd hare to the gun. She's running in the hunting life lamping competition next saturday. We are drawn against last years winner LDR and bruce so we are up against it!!!!. As long as she gives her all i'll be happy.
  6. Mally that is a really nice dog mate, and by the looks of it its doing a fine job How old is it mate? ATB John
  7. 2 nice dogs mate especially like the whippet like the wippet looks real nice whats it like on the lamp atb Just started catching, that was his first in the pic above, but I had him out the other night and he RETRIEVED a shot hare , So Iam well made up. Cheers John bet you were well chuffed how old is the dog and wats the feet like on it.keep it up Hes about 14/15months now, and so far hes had no problems, hes been run on some tough ground aswell so cant complain. Cheers John
  8. 2 nice dogs mate especially like the whippet like the wippet looks real nice whats it like on the lamp atb Just started catching, that was his first in the pic above, but I had him out the other night and he RETRIEVED a shot hare , So Iam well made up. Cheers John
  9. My pure whippet 19.5tts and the lurcher 29tts (hare was shot and retreived) ATB John
  10. Nice one mate. I still can't build the guts to have ago ATB John
  11. Hard luck mate, but theres always next time and if nothing else its a run out for the jill. Nice looking land ATB John
  12. may sound a bit dump or stupid here but what do u mean by the terrier never missed a mark, do u use terriers to locate a live warren kind of thing? Yes mate, if theres nowt home she'll keep going until she finds something. ATB John
  13. nice looking dogs mate, is the blue a straight whippet? Yes mate
  14. Heres a couple of pics of todays trip, the two dogs accounted for 1 each the nets took the rest, but the star of the day was my mates terrier bitch, she never missed a mark she made the day very easy. Each set she marked produced at least two rabbits. EOD we had 9 alright for 3 hours. ATB John
  15. There 7/8 months and 8/9 weeks about nice looking poleys, where abouts in Mcr are you ? ( if you dont mind me asking) regards john Iam out side manc now mate Tyldesley. Where are you pal. ATB John
  16. There 7/8 months and 8/9 weeks about
  17. Here are my 2 polecats, both jills. Ones already bolted a couple for the whippet, and the other willbe right for next season. Thanks for looking. ATB John
  18. Cheers for all the advice. ATB John
  19. Brilliant, still pissing myself. UNITED RULE!
  20. Thanks very much for the repies, the dogs are gunna be pissed off though LOL. ATB John
  21. This may be a daft question but can I give me ferrets raw chicken (thighs). Thanks John
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