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john rust

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Everything posted by john rust

  1. Big day tomorrow on the rabbits, just can't get me head down.

  2. Had a walk over the tops looking for rabbits a couple of years back with a mate, if I remember right it was near Christmas time very deep snow. We saw two rabbits but must of nocked up about 15 white hares, yet still never been back. Atb John
  3. Gains 28. Really good, keeps the weight on and they look good. But if I only had 1/2 dogs it would be raw I don't think you can get better. Atb John
  4. I could help you out, but it would be me and my ferreting buddy. We both have ferrets nets , long nets and stop nets, we also have permission over Tarpoly way we could look at as we'll. Atb John
  5. Cheers pal. Is it open everyday? Thanks John
  6. Anyone know when the guy how sells the dog food and meds is there? Thanks John
  7. Lamping last night SHIT, ferreting this morning SHIT and tomorrow working .................. Fill the missing word.

    1. STAFFY poacher

      STAFFY poacher

      gay prides come early


    2. john rust

      john rust

      Staffy I think you have a problem son

    3. seang


      get coursing no shit?????without guns lol


    4. Show next comments  27 more
  8. Last night lamping SHIT, today's ferreting SHIT. Tomorrow working.

    1. rob190364


      you never know pal, working might be brilliant, ha ha!


  9. Lamping was shit last night with one run, so out tonight different place

    1. albert64


      i know mate i was out the other night, talk about lamp shy rabbits?

  10. I have one of this years hobs , i was keeping two but then got one from other stock. So he will go for free to a good working home, he has been out already and bolted and killed. Please pm for more info . Atb John
  11. Too right pal, the ones we ran last hight sat tight there was no silly long slips. My dog only had a hand full of nights out last season so just building confidence again
  12. Went out last night with John ( ferretIng 22 ) and his beddy x whipp, I took my salxgrey x whipxgrey for his first lamp of the season. I couldn't have picked a worse night, no wind and a full moon nice. We still had a good few runs with my dog picking up one so not all bad, Johns beddyx is coming on well and should do well this season, this will be my dogs first proppa season so fingers crossed. Atb John
  13. The lamp is out and the salxgrey x whipxgrey is out tonight, not the best night for it but ha ho

  14. Off out tonight for my first good look about this season

  15. Very nice, and some cracking pics. Looks like them two will keep you busy for a bit Lol, just wait till Bruce finds out the baby bites back. Atb John
  16. I had my whippet 4 years now and to be honest I found him the easiest to train, very fast learner incredible staminer and the heart of a lion. We' ve had him on the back of most game in all conditions and never a problem, I've also got a salxwhipp x whipxgrey and he has been a mare. The only problem I can see is with the age it's at it may not take to being knocked about, cold, wet. Was it a house dog or kennel mate. Atb with him it's a nice looking dog John
  17. http://s401.photobucket.com/albums/pp98/j-rphoto/Dogs/?action=view&current=Warrington-20120814-00564.jpg&mediafilter=noflash
  18. Cheers reddawn, will do Suffolkpoacher he's a salxgrey x whipxgrey 2 yrs and around 25 tts Atb John
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