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Everything posted by RiffRaff

  1. I thoroughly agree with what you are saying there Pointer regarding newbies and Dirty Harry. What I am saying though, is a Rat, being such a small creature, has an amazingly fast hearbeat any injury that causes trauma via an open wound will cause the rat to bleed out within a matter of seconds. Add to this the fact that the shock (however mild) will also cause the rodent to turn toes up. A friend of mine saw a Rat that had migrated into his property from his next door neighbours Aviary. He threw a hand garden fork at it at just over 9 yards. It litterally clipped the rodent in the hind quat
  2. thats not the real world of ratting where it can often be hard enough to take a steady aim with a rifle.targets are one thing,if you miss so what just re-load but were talking about a living animal here. im not being deliberately negative i just dont want newbies or youngsters thinking they can go around ratting like dirty harry. good point N
  3. tony every alecto i have shot vents air on the last stroke,other than that i find the trigger is naff compared to my Rhom,,tau 7,,bruno multishot. but other than that there are 2 versions so i am lead to belive one that does 2 pumps,, an the one that does three pumps but having 9 people that i know with them an doin chrono strings with them they turn out a respectable level of power, my main gripe is the trigger its just not as good as im used to, an even the guys that have messed with theirs say it could be better shoot safe Niel
  4. i wouldnt think about using my HW40 for rat dispatch unless i was right on top of it,,ten feet or less HW45 much better choice more power bit of a monster to shoot right tho, just my 2bobs worth niel
  5. my mistake its the same side as the brass index post that you showed in the foto so it will about an inch or so forward of the brass an down onto the cylinder/valve assembly but hey we all make mistakes as the darlek said climbing off the dustbin Niel
  6. hey hey on the otherside of the action just under were the mag goes in,if there is a bolt where it looks like the head has been snapped off its anti tamper, but if you have a torx head screw it aint having said that they did put some with a tamper proof torx in but thats an easy fix most good hardware stores will have the screwdriver torx/bit you need Niel my spellin maybee hit n miss but i dunt miss with the S400 or the RIPPER my mistake its the same side as the brass index post that you showed in the foto so it will about an inch or less forward of the brass but hey we all
  7. Mike if you dont wanna go down the route messing with baffels an stuff PM me your addy an i will drop a spring in the post to you FOC i got the ones from when i did mine on tonys up to you Shoot safe Niel
  8. Cheers tony but my head will stay the same size
  9. hey guys i need to know who you use when you post a air gun to its new buyer an what insurance an all that, i normaly go F2F but kent is a long way off an even for a halfway meet is outta the question cheers Niel
  10. hey Tony HAPPY BIRTHDAY matey have a good one, dont do anything i wouldnt do :whistling: so yah got alot of scope have to get out for a coffee;) at some point any excuse for a beer or three :drink: looks like i will have to open my last bottle of Stoli to celebrate :D N
  11. done fella best of luck with the degree ATB Niel my spelling maybe hit an miss but i dont miss with the Ripley or the S400c
  12. should have waited T wouldnt have cost yah a penny N
  13. Wednesday sounds good to me bud Just gotta borrow a laminater T got one of them too :whistling:
  14. hehehehe there is only one nick in hull hedon road an they dint swing em they dropped em,, the rest of them are woodentop nicks N
  15. so it looks like a walk round with a map,an to have a nosey at how the land lies an such, have to let me know when i can work round you but having said that tues an weds are good cos the mrs is off work shoot safe N
  16. yep would say it was a falcon an oldish one to shoot safe Niel
  17. Where are they? T on Lee Smith Street Tony,just down from the Nick,proper cheap got all the seals to do my S400 ten times at less than fiver
  18. get mine from direct gasgets in hull they have never not had in stock what i wanted,an i own a few, an repaired a few, its funny cos i walk in there now an its oh no its the gun man,, you any idea what the size is that you want?? i may have some i can send you FOC shoot safe Niel
  19. heyup Tony you need to get ya bike out an go to the other place N
  20. side wheels are the devils work :D ,,used by lazy FT shooters :whistling: that cant get their head round the ret in their scope,, there hard work T you have to mark the wheel up with your distances, then yah have to prat about with the elevation turret an mark that for the distances on the side wheel,an you basicaly rezero your scope for every shot,an yah have to rember to turn it back to zero after every shot, ive seen some of the top shots in the UK forget to wind it back after a shot,and miss dial the scope an miss the plate i suppose its ok for range finding, just my take on it, its
  21. hey i have white rabbits on my permission,,an NO i aint been sipping the sloe gin or the stolli vodka but boss number one(farmers wife) says not to shoot em,,, boss number 2(the farmer) says kill em all,, i do take the odd one but aslong as boss 1 still sees the odd one im okish, Niel
  22. around 800 fps with jsb exact is pretty close to leagal with my s400 carbine in .177. deadly out to 50 yards, but you dont want to be messing without a chrono to make sure you are within the law ATB niel
  23. just a link to album with pics of a HFT/FT target for you davy http://s46.photobucket.com/albums/f124/RiffRaff-KuH/knockover%20rabbit/ ATB Niel
  24. hey davy just sorting some pics out of a target i am repairing. just a thought do you want me to measure the mechanism parts for you an photograph the component bits for you so you can have a pattern of sorts atvb Niel
  25. Your gonna have to sort yah mobile out T,, if you wanna do a trip round you will have to sort it an i will work round you,, But may aswell be a full day ie early till late can bring the lamp, Niel
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