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About Suze

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 19/03/1948

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  • Location
    Centre of France
  1. Got a little bitch 23 inches at the shoulder Dam was Deerhound x Greyhound and Sire Greyhound x Whippet More photos here My link She's eleven and a half years old now, and still just as nutty!!!!!
  2. If your friends are Brits living in the South of France, you should warn them to be VERY careful when walking in a hunting area during the hunting season with sighthounds off-lead - a lot of French hunters with guns will shoot to kill a sighthound on the spot if they see them running free - they have even been known to shoot the odd human as well :hunter: The closest thing to hunting that mine get to do is lure-coursing and a bit of track-racing to keep them fast and fit. Although a couple of local Muscovy ducks (subsequently in the freezer) and one very narrowly escaped roe deer woul
  3. where I now live with one small hairy lurcher and 4 sloughis (+ 1 that I am looking after until he can travel to England under the pet passport arrangement). Unfortunately live coursing / hunting with any kind of sighthound is totally banned in France - and has been since about 1830 Before that, I was born in Stafford and my family then moved to Devon in the 1950s More recently (until November 2005) I lived in Devon for a few years up on the High Moor at Princetown Here are my sighthounds Lurcher - Breeze (now over 9 years old) - deerhound/greyhound x whippet/greyhound
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