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Everything posted by lee

  1. these sob story threads make me piss, lot of folks on here need to reach down an see if theyve still got there balls attached ffs like it ! lol
  2. being a southpaw wont trouble khan one bit.. remember manny pacquiao is also a southpaw and hes sparred plenty with him.. not saying i want him to win!
  3. just drive through the grated road at woburn, there all there for all to see..
  4. busher .. do you know of any dogs still alive directly out of pye ?
  5. romany....i just read what you said.. "Think your right BH, you have a good memory, but so have I..remember you nearly tipping the pick up over at Mailings in that housing estate" funny that in our first meeting he did excactly the same, scared the life out of me, that was nigh on 20 years ago
  6. yes mate hes on his last legs . i havent seen him for a good while, but hes still around. atb
  7. chimp . id say "sex cases" dog is the tightest one still alive ..
  8. yeah your mates got one chimp,,"sex case" pye bred to his daughter...
  9. "have you been on a demo, im guessing not. we run from no one" lol
  10. fidodido not a trick question but how comes you have had 10 of them ?
  11. why dont ya just get her A.I
  12. yeah been out all morning had a good day !! "Q"
  13. i bet the £10 gear i get is just as good iuse snedys wonderdog ... so your saying your 10£ grub is as good as eukanuba ??
  14. check out sanrenmu knives, for the money which is peanuts , imo they cannot be beaten.
  15. im afraid you will not get a dog conditioned to the best of his ability without any form of carbs, proof of the puddings in the eating, not whats put up on the net..
  16. i agree hbg.. the blokes selling a dog , so what if you bought one cheaper. if your not interested in buying it why ruin the blokes thread..........
  17. re: cliff field..the local paper says.... he died last sunday aged 67, he sparred with some of the greats including muhammed ali, he defeated the guvnor twice both by knockout in the second round. his book was due to be released next friday called a "cut above the rest"
  18. lee

    the guvnor

    your right waz cliff was from dunstable, he ended up a broken man with mental health issues, he could often be found unwashed sleeping in shop doorways and begging for money. a shame as he was a gent in his day..
  19. iceman001979 keep your snide comments to your self, there not needed !
  20. lee

    porta mag

    now sold............
  21. lee

    porta mag

    porta mag for sale juncTion 12 M1. pm for details.
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