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About fatferret

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  1. Nice bag there Stumpy.....So if your on the left why do they call you stumpy (or is that too personal) ? if you look very hard i lost a tooth stumpy lost some fingers but i canot say what we were doing at the time p.s my ferrets dont look fat do they
  2. went out sunday in cold east wind some bolted very hard some did not or could not? had to dig two but got other rabbits out of that warren but it did seam like the rabbits put up a bit more of fight with the ferrets i watched one of my jills having a right good go with one just inside a hole before i could grab the rabbit safely
  3. never worry about looking stupid old stumpy spent ten minutes calling a gas bottle i said was a fox when i put the lamp back on it he said it was geting closer
  4. dose your squeaker work on gas bottles i have heard they can be hard to get them to come in close
  5. found my first tick in two years of ferreting today, got some good info off stubby about tick pullers so went to my vets, the nurse pulled the tick, free of charge for me, then sold me some otom tick pullers £4 for 2, large and small, right as rain its so easy, thank you stubby best £4 ive spent in a long time and i dont spend often
  6. Stumpy how fat is your mates ferret, is it just a little bit big or very very big in all fairness its not as big as it was because he gets exersise now stumpy what about you sorry i mean your ferrets do they get exersise often
  7. Stumpy how fat is your mates ferret, is it just a little bit big or very very big
  8. hello to everyone at thehuntinglife just like to tell you all a bit about me i have been fish from a boy to precent day 41 years old last ten years been fishing for pike essex kent norflok wales scotland norway but last two years been ferreting beating little bit of shooting i called myself fatferret because i rescued a ferret kit from a man who wasn't looking after her very well and when i started to feed her she got quiet big and my mate said she was fat but she turn out to be a great working ferret! I have four working ferrets in total
  9. i have been useing mk3 for 2 years not had to use it much but when i have works well but very loud i put some tape over the holes were the beeps come out but then if you want to find your ferret it is not some thing to worry about my mate is just old and miserable
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