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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Totally disagree, I have worked for an equine physio and the treatment goes way beyond basic common sense exercises. With the use of various machines and exercises that most people wouldn't think to do they can sort some very complex problems.
  2. There was a photographer guy there. Think it's Venture uk. They aint uploaded yet. Will find web address
  3. Someone is coming to see the dog so have removed telephone number as don't know how to delete topic.
  4. You get some arseholes on here mind, makes you wonder if its worth trying to find a home where it will do what its good at or just not bother
  5. Not being funny but how the hell can you comment on the dog if you aint seen it work. If you aint interested in the dog don't read this thread let alone reply. Anyone who is seriously interested feel free to phone and arrange to go out with my partner and see him work. Thanks spazzy paddy.
  6. For sale due to new job/increase in working hours. 4 years old bull cross dog. Very keen worker. Very reluctant sale but due to my new job and my partner working longer hours haven't got the time to do the dog justice and work him any more. £200 Best to phone as don't get on here much but will do best to answer any replies. Can text photos aswell if you text or phone first. No withheld numbers please and defo no timewasters. Located East Lothian/Berwickshire
  7. Thanks guys. All sorted now, Stuart got in contact with Ross.
  8. Hi, I am posting behalf of 1 of the organisers of the Berwickshire Hunt Terrier and Lurcher Show. (Ross Thomson). He has lost the number of the Scottish Champions of Champions guy, Stuart Bell?? If someone could help with a contact number I would be most grateful. If any problems with just handing out the guys number via Pm, alternatively I can be contacted on 07792 693 712 or direct to Ross Thomson on 07730 712 553. Many Thanks in advance guys Lea
  9. Pet dispensary do buy 3 doses get 1 dose free. Very good price without the offer.
  10. These are still here. Giving up the ferrets so all to go!
  11. Ferret Kits free to good homes. 2 albino hobs 2 polecat hobs 3 polecat jills Parents also free to good home. Both polecats. Hob blind in 1 eye but fine otherwise 10 mins from Dunbar, East Lothian
  12. I will if I can get my camera to work lol. Tried using my fone but puter wouldnt recognise the feckin files. Problems oh joy

  13. Good litter there mate and cracking looking dam. Nice to see, got a litter due in a fortnight myself.
  14. Unfortunately the judge did just look em over as they walked round once or twice. On another note though you can't get it right all the time regarding good judges etc. I'm sure they will have a more experienced judge next year who knows what to check etc and learn from mistakes possibly made this time round. it is normally a popular show with a good turnout and good judges etc. I would hate for people to dismiss it as poor so quickly based on 1 years show not being as good as previous. And it wont be clashing with Neilston next time lol
  15. Aye its been on a Saturday for past few years. Not too bad a turn out but could of been better. Just unfortunate wi the dates.
  16. Thanks for that Tom, I will let them know bout your fixed date every year.
  17. Aye I seen the Neilston was on the morn. Unfortunately I dont think our organisers done their homework but hey ho!
  18. Lea


    Yeah I have a beagle bitch who seems to of been in season for ages already but not ready for standing yet. They do seem to have f****d up seasons and dont go by the book lol
  19. Berwickshire Hunt Terrier & Lurcher Show Sunday 9th May 1pm Brieryhill, Duns, Berwickshire Will be well signed from both sides on the Duns/Chirnside road. A6105. Scottish, National and Cock o the North qualifier. Junior handler also a qualifier for Cock o the North Contact: Ross - 07730712553
  20. 2nd gen 1st cross. 3 year old. We dont work our dogs lots due to family/work etc but he does what we want and regardless of deerhound x's of the past lol for that he's a good un to us.
  21. Some folk just like the sound of their own voice and own opinions. Unfortunately they are only ever gonna hear what themselves are saying.
  22. If you go see a pack of beagles i.e. 1 of the hunts you will see all shapes an sizes. She does look leggy and quite long backed but she could just be a bigger athletic beagle or could be harrier. Doesnt look spanielly to me but thats just my opinion.
  23. They will be hunting I would think. Look on Master of Foxhounds association site to find details and contacts. Where abouts are ya?
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