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Everything posted by nottzhunter08

  1. dont get me wrong ive seen some very nice rough coated dogs but i would always prefer to stick to racey smooth coated.
  2. well i started take mine out lamping with another dog at bout 6 month and have been giving him slips when he was about 7 1/2 month. hes doing great and im just so proud of him. heres a few pics. # atb N.H
  3. what would you prefer and why? i will start i prefer smooth coated as i like the look and the racey type also ive been told ruff coated dogs get very hot whilst lamping, mooching etc.
  4. alright mate. butch is doing very well. he was improving alot when i was down when we were lamping. if he turns out how kye has for me he will be a treasure to you. ive had alot with kye already 27 rabbits and 1 long eared. now ive started him off and he knows what to do i will probably leave it till the season now if i can resist . keep us informed on his progress mate and hope you have many happy hunting days with him. atb N.H here a pic of kye, butches litter brother.
  5. nice pup mate. good luck with it. atb N.H
  6. if i was you georgia i would consider putting something with a bit of bull in it as we see a few charlies were we lamp mate. up to you anyway. atb N.H mines not quite the same but has whippet grey in him anyway. heres a few pics. the bottom is when hes 6 month and hes now nearly 10 month.
  7. take it not alot of people use them
  8. i suppose you cant go wrong with one for moching around.
  9. ive heard people lamp with them and are pretty good. tbh i would of thought that they would try and think to much like were the rabbits going. could be wrong though. atb N.H
  10. does anyone use them for lamping general mooching etc. and what they like. atb N.H
  11. she should be a gooden ann, keep me informed on her progress. atb N.H
  12. rew your joke i know i shoudnt stayed logged in on your computer.I do think its possible if you give your dog easy slips and not rush any runs up somewhere like the dales. atb N.H
  13. i think it can be done because my cousin has got the best dog in the world. lol
  14. alrite mate. i started my pup off round that age and he now nearly 10 month and is bagging a few when i take him out. good luck with your pup mate. atb N.H
  15. nice pics lads and lasses heres a few of mine when he was a pup. as he gets older. atb N.H
  16. i would say 23 to 23.5 mate should make a decent bitch. good luck with her. atb N.H
  17. so what would you say the pointer in a lurcher is used for. its nose.
  18. there are some nice pics of all of your dogs a big credit to you owners. the wirehaired pointer x on a cold wind blows doesnt look the greatest of running dogs but was very good at retrieving. atb N.H
  19. it sure does look a fine strong animal hope he does you proud mate. atb N.H
  20. i dont have one. i saw one on the lamper dvd and it wasnt that good of a running dog. you never hear nothing of them so i just wondered if they was popluar and how they work etc. just out of curiosity. atb N.H
  21. does anyone on this site run them and what are they like. pics if possible. atb N.H
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