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Everything posted by spanielman

  1. As above if they group ok your on a winner with the privi, they group fine in my ruger.
  2. hi,see if you can get some beating when the season starts on different shoots,bit of money for beating and should open some doors for rabbit and pigeon shooting, cheers spanielman.
  3. Check out Guntrader, guns only worth what someone's willing to pay for it, but at least you can compare yours to one's on there, cheers spanielman
  4. hi and a happy new year, they will kill pheasant at closer ranges but not the ideal cartridge as you probably know, 30g 6's would be better you not got anyone you could borrow some of. Was picking up on the 30th most pricked birds ive ever picked, three of the guns were using light loads. cheers, spanielman.
  5. hi,get the openshaw dvds theres a couple,tells you from beginning to advance training, the guy hasn't won the spaniel and cocker championships so many times for nothing, easy to follow step by step training,good luck spanielman.
  6. Hi, try ukgundogs good site, covers all the uk so should be something up your end, all the best,spanielman.
  7. Here's mine the black n white is a mate of mine that l trained for him, probably be getting another in 2011 as one will be eight next year and my grandson wants one he's only three.
  8. I'll have a mooch see whats about, seen some gear in gunmart, anyone know of any deals on reloading gear,cheers spanielman
  9. Morgan what kind of money does the reloading gear cost to set up and the best place to buy it, cheers spanielman
  10. Well, all went well and was granted all l asked for,got myself Ruger 22 hornet and a steyr pro hunter mountain in 223,playtime now, thanks again for the replies, spanielman.
  11. Flower pot taped too end of light dont look good but works a treat. cheers, spanielman.
  12. Need to take the camera out more, heres my dogs, the black n whites a keeper mate of mine dog just training it for him.
  13. Hi, yep springer way to go,good all rounders,also you've got breezeleaf gundogs in kent, got one of mine from there,good biddable dogs, but never rush training with a springer or you'll f##k it up. cheers,spanielman.
  14. hi guys,just purchased my first nv its seconhand and was after a few tips,as anyone got the atn mk6500 and how have they faired with it. got to get it sighted in whats the best method and also looking for an additional ir add on,any recommedations where to look for one, the built in ir is good to 50 yards or so but would like too get out to 200 will be using it for fox,rabbit mainly. Thanks, Spanielman.
  15. hi, and good luck with your application, is the ground you shoot over undulating or flat is there many footpaths crossing it, these are some of the questions they'll want to know if the ground has not been cleared and they'll want to check it over, if it is cleared it'll be a lot easier to get your rifle. do some research on bullet velocities, know where you can take safe shots on your ground, basically be savvied up when they come to see you. cheers stanford.
  16. Bedfordshire Absolutely a pleasure to do business with, always helpful, quick on variations can't fault them, thats my experience anyway.
  17. Thinking of getting one myself, only review l can find is on airgun BBS, the guy on there says they do what they say on the box, get one deker and let us know if there any good . cheers spanielman
  18. they steal the dogs to either sell like they did yours, or normally they'll wait till you poster the area with a reward then bell you the cheeky b******s. just found your dog sir wandering about, can l have the dosh.
  19. bedfordshire firearms variation for me 2 hours now thats class service hey.
  20. good luck with the pup, get the openshaw, deeley training dvds theres two, basic training and advanced, be a good investement, but as said dont rush into training 8-9 months is a good time to start, but you can start by keeping the pup near you, dont let it have its head and start chasing things, when you start training make sure you instill the stop whistle at all costs, then if it looks like theres gonna be trouble you can stop the pup and get too it quick and correct it.all l can say is take your time, dont move on till the dog as mastered a task, ie sit and stay if you tell it to do it th
  21. hi mate providing the land as been cleared, you'll get a ticket providing they think your suitable after interview.
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