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Everything posted by mad_hunter

  1. thats good goin well done mate
  2. seems chocolate is the favourite lol the mars bar is on it the now i will be bak on tomorrow with pics hopefully
  3. cheers i will try them both the night
  4. ive just bought myself a a trap for catchin some rats . i was just wondering if anyone new what would be the best food to use for baiting them in
  5. i love doin the roes but its allways good to see yewr gettin into a fox
  6. if theres rats like that kicken about am stayin in the house lol
  7. ive been looking to go for another lurcher but i want one thats a bit faster than the one ive got ( deerhound,greyhound,beddy,greyhound back onto a beddy,whippet ) . its only ever had a few hares but he is realy good on everything else . any ideas on what cross to go for ????????
  8. i found a roebuck on the side of of the road and it must have fell out of the tree i hung it on and i went bk the nxt mornin and and it was in a realy bad way i couldnt take anythin off it but a few foxes had done it ! but a wouldnt rule the big cats out!!!
  9. do u breed dogs or have u dun

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