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Everything posted by mad_hunter

  1. heres some pics of the dogs hop yeh like !!!
  2. hi lads and ladies just wondering what your dog would usualy catch out of 10 rabbits in a night lamping ?? cheers
  3. hi guys thanks for the replys you have been a great help i have been beating for two years at an estate and the game keeper says if i need any references or anything like that he would vouch for me i sent my application away to college this morning just hope i get it . thanks again
  4. i had been told that the dog had done a bit and i didnt want to leave it in the house ! cheers fur the help anyways
  5. hi there i got a springer spaniel 3 days ago . shes two and a half years old and hasnt realy a clue i had her out beating with me yesterday and she was scenting away fine and put up a few pheasant but when it came to the end of the drive she was looking at the pheasants like , i aint putting that thing in my mouth lol ive been told to put wings on a dummy or wrap a bird in a set of tights . just wondering if anyone has any other ideas ?? cheers
  6. just wondering if you would be better going to college first and then find an estate to go on or wether you would be better asking a gamekeeper first ??
  7. a didnt let my dog actually go for anything on the lamp until he was a year old because a friend of min introduced his dog to lamping at 7 and a half months old and it started yapping when chasing . but thats just me
  8. alright boys/girls a was just wondering if anyoe had any decent pictures of a good days ratting?? cheers
  9. hello people i was just wondering if yew could show me few pics of a good days ratting ?? cheers
  10. hey people i was just wondering if anyone has any good pics of a good days ratting ??
  11. whats the main things yew go for with a slingshot ??
  12. thats a lovely lookin pup i have a beddy whippet cross best dog ive ever had
  13. no no no nae rat escaped lol theres no escapeeze when MY dogs about
  14. it took me 3 weeks with them going in and takin the bait from the trap but ive got it sussed . the one i got was just over a pound in wait and it even got a hold of my lurchers face when i let it go on a field for him . CHUFFED .
  15. cracking looking birds [bANNED TEXT]
  16. how many rats can the multi trap catch :weight_lift2:
  17. i will try kebab meat nand see how i get on and if not then i will move the trap thanks again
  18. i have been trying to catch rats in my live trap and everynight i set it and go back down the nxt morning and the bait has gone . a couple of times the trap has been triggered but still no rats i have tryed alsorts of baits including things like nutella and peanut butter but they seem to be able to take the bait without triggering it ... has anyone got any tips ??
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