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bull scooby

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Everything posted by bull scooby

  1. well i think this bans a load of bumbel squat any way its bloody over run with hares these days if i wasent such a law obiding citisen add get my self a nice saluki x with my beer tokens and go wipe them art but im not into that kind of thing peace man haha
  2. its horses for courses matey and the fact that you think bull x owners are all young chavs that when there not out making your regular lurcher owners look like scum bags were out smoking crack and raping grandmas is the biggest load of crap that i have ever herd and the fact that you think bull x owners are using there dogs to make up for there lack of masculinity must mean the fact that you use your dog to put food on your table is due to the fact that your a jobless bum hahaha what i am trying to get to here mate is dont tar every one with the same brush by pursuming that were all the same y
  3. got kicked out my house so a gave him to my mate
  4. heres a photo of my old whippet x
  5. i think its got to be a pit or american bull any thing else just wont do the same job
  6. some people x american bull dogs with greyhounds for there bull xs there ment to be just as good
  7. drat drat and double drat yes i was pilloking i cant pull the wool over the eyes of you lot can i hahaha
  8. have you found a home for the dog yet mate
  9. my mates got a saluki bull greyhound its as game as hell n catches most stuff its sliped on
  10. I would say thats probably a "one off" as I have never seen a bull x which was a decent, consistent hare dog. What time of year was the dog catching them and was it during the daytime? Some of the bull/saluki/grey mixes do ok, but they dont usually have a lot of bull in them, just enough to give them that grit and stamina, very unusual to hear of a straight half x bull/greyhound that kills hares regularly daytime he used to catch them on the lamp about this time of year im not on about catchin imature hare he was a very racey half cross very game there wasent much that got away from him
  11. has any one got any photos of there dogs coursing there quarry if you have then stick them up for the lads to have a look at cheers
  12. my mate had a half bred bull x that used to catch hares for the fun of it so u cant just say that salukis are the only dogs witch can catch hares
  13. hows it going mate av got 3 alaunts and a bullx my bullx can run circles round the alaunts but when it comes to the job the alaunts have got far more power than the bullx 2 of my alaunts are 6 month old pups i like the look of the alaunts but iv never seen 1 work they look like real power houses
  14. nice looking dog there dude lets have some more photos lads & lasses
  15. bull xs whats every ones opinion on how much bull is best and how much is best for what quarry photos aswell please if any ony has any the bull scoob
  16. choacolate ones looks well pal whats it like on the job
  17. get your self a rabbit and teese the dog with the rabbit and then let it kill it and eat it so it associates them with food so it will want them when your out lamping
  18. xxgeorgioxx a love you x x x x x x
  19. since badger baiting became illegal my garden has become over run with badgers does any one no anything to help get rid of them any help please bull scoob
  20. bull xs are the best alround dogs theyll do pritty much any job but there not for catching rabbits thow are they you wouldent use a shot gun to shoot a butterfly would you so of corse you would have a collie x for rabbiting, bullxs are for your big stuff
  21. a no its a real corker a dont really want to sell it highest bidder can take it beacause its a really top pooch
  22. this is my new lamping buss for the begining of next season what are you lads dogging next season
  23. a while ago my american bull dog came into season shes only a house dog buts shes a bit keen so i thought i would mate her to a nice greyhound dog of my friends to get some nice first crosses but somethings gone wrong somewere along the line herse a photo of the dam and heres a photo of the sire but this is what the offspring have come out like does any one know what might of happend thoughts please bull scoob
  24. here theres a rather game looking one here for you haha
  25. why dont you just go get a pomerainian from battersy dogs home matey because they will probly do more graft than thows abominations haha
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