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sniper 1

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Everything posted by sniper 1

  1. hi stan. nice pics of the red dog. you will have to show me how you post them on. sniper 1.
  2. nice shooting. but id of shot the roe mate. they taste alot better than them. ha ha.
  3. i think for the money you cant beat the cz 452/453. i brought a 452 american 16" heavey barrel. i paid 280pound brand new. tryed alot of ammo. the best i found was cci 20 grain hollow points. and the hornady v-max. round my area most of the ammo is around 11 pound a box. a mate of mine brought a sako quad. he paid around 600 pound for it and after trying all the different ammo still wouldnt group like the cz. im not saying there all like that but ive heard a few people say that. so in my oppinion money cant buy you accuracy.
  4. thats mega cheap mate. my rcbs rockchucker kit was 307 pound alone. then i had to buy dies,heads, powder etc. and to buy primers and powder you will need to show your fac. i work at a gun shop and thats our terms and conditions.
  5. im telling you pal it is. but ive just ordered all the reloading gear. so i dont care anymore.
  6. thats true mate. ive just ordered the full kit for reloading. the initial set up costs alot but once you got the important bits out the way your laughing. cant wait to get cracking.
  7. well done mate. the fox is even got a smile for the camera.
  8. hi big john. good choice on the rifle. i have a cz 452 .17hmr. there deadly. i would go for a bigger scope. 3x9x56 is not big enough in my eyes. i have a 6.5x20x50 deben hawke nighteye. i know some might say 20 mag is too big but no it isnt why make it harder for yourself. them cz,s are killers up to 150-200 yards. and with 9 mag you would struggle to see a clear target.
  9. i agree mate i work with alot of keepers and there foxing all year round. and that keeper must be so laid back he,s horizontal. only shoots foxes when they do damage. bad keepering in my eyes. allwell more for that guy
  10. o.k mate. i cant play the keyboard pal. so ill have to start learning
  11. i coudnt agree more mate i have a p8 on my 25-06. and i hate it it only makes a slight differance on sound. i shot one with a t8on and it was so much bettr.
  12. hi there. ive just joined. im really big into my deerstalking and fox shooting and just live for my rifles. so i hope theres lots more people like me on this site.
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