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Everything posted by poacher2009

  1. can't even get into the chat wtf is going on

    1. tb25


      lol donate mate

    2. poacher2009


      how much i dont no how to?

    3. tb25


      5 for the year mate

  2. well iam glad i aint the only one who can see the face lol thought i been tripping out
  3. i found this freaky dont no about use but i was out with dog today in middle of no where and seen this big rock about 40 tone rock it was huge and there was this name carved in it and it was all green so i got a stone and re carved it out took a picture didnt notice till i got home and looked at my picture on my phone and i see a mans face in it i wont be going back there again
  4. lol wolly barbwire my dogs dont need to be sliced with a stanley blade to make them have scares unlike yours lol
  5. lmao dotty mutts you never seen mutts like these before though lol
  6. just few pictures of my lurchers (red bitch 3 and half year old 25tts bull greyhound saluki greyhound) (black and white dog 3 and half year old 27tts bull greyhound saluki greyhound)(black and white bitch 10 month old 24tts 5/8 3/8 bull)
  7. its not grass i was watching them sniffing the grass few hours ago so i run over quick and under the chunks of cut grass theres bits of meat or something like that it smells gone off what ever it is but there taking a liking to it whatever it is just hope they dont get poorly for fcuk sake
  8. no i dont think its grass its like there rooting it up for worms or slugs iam not sure but why would all of them eat slugs or worms
  9. alright folk right i have 3 bull greyhound saluki greyhounds this sounds strange but my dogs are rooting up chunks of cut grass on my local reck field and eating something and i have no idea what there eating as they eat whatever it is fast befor i get to them does anyone have any ideas what they could be eating never done it before they just started last 3 days help would be good thanks ATB poacher
  10. i was there friday what aload of shite realy didnt enjoy it rather go to local dog shows as you dont get MUCKY LOOKS for your dogs having scares never again for me
  11. geargia i like the picture of the fox its a good size ;)

  12. i no the lad who has the dog and it isnt coz the dogs no good as it hasnt realy seen alot it is ready to start working very nice dog would of had it if i wasnt dogged up best of luck with sale pal atb poacher
  13. alright all i dont no the kid met him once whem he brought the bull x off my pal he seems a decent bloke iam just letting all the people intrested in the bull x is 100% will take all quarry its a decent bitch wouldnt mind to buy it my self but unlucky iam dogged up or the bitch would be mine best of luck with the sale pal atb poach
  14. start it when u feel its ready i would of started it at 14 month my self everyone to there own
  15. wouldnt mind shooting one my self mabe slip dogs on insted
  16. nice one pal good deal there eh lol plus them mk 1 are best out pin point
  17. i can't wait to get out carp fieshing can't beat it good look pal
  18. y mate got a saluki greyhound murders foxes
  19. there all fecking wankers need shooting my mates just had his 2 bull x nicked out his kennel i hate the c**ts me
  20. sorry about the loss pal hopefully you might replace her atb poach
  21. i scream like **** (get on son) dont no how the farmers dont wake up
  22. my bull x bitch and my bull x dog
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