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About manipulus

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 02/12/1974

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  • Interests
    Dachshund Breeding,Working and Show. Archery, Hunting, Fishing.

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  1. Think you have read it wrong 'Digaman'. Could mean a few different things to be honest, but not the way I think you understood. Lost in translation so to speak. Just kidding with Money-pulus Warren. KABBE PETI!!!!!!
  2. who was say that you leave your dog in under the earth?
  3. Genuinely interested and I'm not having a go but are these dogs worked single handed or two'd up ?, I ask because there's always two dogs in the pictures. As I've said not having a gripe i actually have a teckel pup. Hello, We let a dog down always. But it occurs many times that we exchange a dog. There are two dogs because of this on the photos. Br Csaba
  4. Thank you salutation. Good again here to be.
  5. Hello, My dachshund 2,5 months old now. It is first with his rat. He was not thinking a lot. He did away with him under 10 seconds. Reached onto his nose, but did not disturb it.
  6. Hello, I am here again. I bring a couple of new photos.
  7. I think they retail at around 500 sheets What cost £500? Per teckel pup in the uk and thats cheap often £650 mate That price not too much! Realy price 1000-1500€ in europe. help me out mate what does that work out as in pounds ? cca 815-1220 pounds
  8. I think they retail at around 500 sheets What cost £500? Per teckel pup in the uk and thats cheap often £650 mate That price not too much! Realy price 1000-1500€ in europe.
  9. I think they retail at around 500 sheets What cost £500?
  10. How did you break your french? bit careless of you!! It was broken as it came out of my mouth must have chipped it with my teeth or something I can speak and understand enough french to chat about hunting and thats what i did at every opportunity! The old boy was happy to chat back to the jibbering English man! it was the international language of hunting! I so talk english!
  11. The three is good in no way. The two finds enough in my car only. It I would like two. But it is necessary to measure it, that how tall him.
  12. I go tomorrow onto a wild boar work competition and day after tomorrow warren hunting. I hope that the foxes will be at home because of the cold and the snow.
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