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Everything posted by fazza123

  1. Sorry about this folks my missis put this on and is sat here laughing her head off please remove Mods Cheers Im just gonna give her a slight thrashing!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hey lads its 2009 Ive just asked my lovely girlfriend of 7 years to marry me and she said yes....................... Ive got my new pup Bella and a beatiful daughter this year is going to be a good one...
  3. Ill drink to that!!!!!!!!!!
  4. fazza123


    To be honest ive been waiting to put the outcome of the saga on here but guess what? I turned up last Sunday with my brief and was told there was no tape recorder and would i wait till 7th of Jan!! I agreeded and my solicitor said i could be up for some compo because they kept me againest my will!! Which would be interesting,but as yet no lamp....Its obs just to keep it as long as poss and thankfully ive just bought a half Minshaw pup so im in no need of the lamp at the mo!Just spending all my time with the new addition ill put pics on soon i got her from Joe Ox on here and she is a belter!
  5. Why dont you try lurcher rescue or similar you might be surprised how nice some of the dogs are and it is the Festive time,give a dog a home!
  6. I wanted to call my new bitch NELL but my missis and little daughter prefer BELLA so i gave in! Makes them more involved incase im at the pub,and need a walker!!! Happy new year all!
  7. Sorry to hear about that pal!!! Get there names on here i can understand your position and its not worth making it worse with you having your lad and all but some one might want to give you a helping hand!!! Hope you get everything sorted!!
  8. Your exactly right there,and you cant put a price on your time youve put into him,hopefully the price keeps the dealers away!
  9. To be fair to ASD ive never heard him say his dogs or pups off his dogs are always gonna do the big stuff guaranted!!He does say they excel at lamping which this dog seems to do!Good look finding a good home,it should make someone happy!!
  10. Thanks Fidgety spot on thanks!!!
  11. Hi all recently a few people put on ideas and prints of the letters they have wrote for land owners to sign to say they had permission to hunt rabbits on there land with dogs! Would anyone be kind enough to e-mail some to me,if you have them saved as there was some good ones,it would be much appreciated!! Thanks all! Krisfarrar@hotmail.co.uk Cheers Kris
  12. Nice looking pup sounds promising for the future!!!!!
  13. There on borrowed time CHELSEA are coming to get you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Exactly right! Its them or nowt!!
  15. Feck me they will get you anywhere!id like to see the coppers catch you in one of them!!
  16. Sounds a good idea pal if you have the time,crack on!!!
  17. Cracking pup Joe had any interest!
  18. fazza123

    BBC 1

    Never thought of that one Max you should run for Prime minister!!!!!!Brilliant!
  19. As the late Brian Plummer used to say "A man is rich in proportion to the things he can do without"
  20. Good to see a genuine half cross,looks a good un!!
  21. fazza123


    Cheers lads im not accepting anything! I didnt put this topic on to cry about my lamp as someone seems to think but only to high light the problems we are faced against!
  22. "Im as sound as a Greyhound"
  23. fazza123


    Firstly riodog no i dont try and run rings round him id had the dog 4 days after a 3 year break from hunting and took him to show my mate! Elma i completely agree with you,hes just an out and bully who talks like a copper! Cheers Graham and kay and Mass_ for the advice,ill put this to bed now as its run its course but ill let you know how i get on next weekend! Cheers for the chat folks!!!!
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