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Everything posted by fazza123

  1. Happy days ! Can you give him my regards ?
  2. Yes that's the same litter. I'm happy with mine, and Gary was a decent bloke. My bitch is still more or less black. Hope you find good homes for them ?
  3. If Gary lives in Weston s mare I've got the sister to your dog, there well bred Beddys
  4. Malham tarn or above Settle are nice for a change
  5. If there shouting on a calm night you've no worries of them catching owt
  6. If I bred a litter I'd keep as many as I could on for what ever amount of time ot took wether it be 8 week or 8 month. If Your going through all the hassle of breeding you want to make sure you get what you want your words not mine ...im not going to argue about it with you ...but I would rather put everything into 1 pup than little into a few and if you realy wanted to know if you picked a good un you wont find that out for a few years not months Exactly, you could keep them all 12 months but it wouldn't mean one would kill more than the other.. Good luck with your pups 3 turns and ke
  7. There's obviously 2 trains of thought but as said if you've bred from the best them choosing shouldn't be so difficult. I'd be wanting to put time into my pup as soon as I could. If your thinking of keeping a litter together for any longer than 5 or 6 months you'd be better putting the surplus in the ground and not passing on untrained cast offs.
  8. I fully agree 3 turns but your also harnessing the bond the pups will get with there new owners, I think at 8 weeks you'll be able to get a good idea of what you've bred? Atb with them, a nice cross for getting the job done ?
  9. It's hard to say until you know the damage, my bitch broke her leg at 10 weeks (9 month now) and she's running fine so far. Atb with it and hope it's not to bad, keep us posted !
  10. She needs putting down ! Dirty cow
  11. Looks a cracker, has she seen owt ?
  12. Who watched it ? Fair play to Katie Hopkins but she spoilt herself at times ! There seem to be a fairly biased crowd though I thought? Most we're foreign.,
  13. Like the look of them two, pups should be very handy
  14. After doing mine and Reading yours Paulus has put my mind at rest
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