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Everything posted by fazza123

  1. They don't, only jack Russell's kill rats and can bark.
  2. and know mention of the massive cover up by the labour council ??... it's good that they have put it on to show what's going on but why only go half way. It's like making a WW2 film and not saying the word nazi...?
  3. Did you notice that the word Muslim wasn't mentioned at all??? They kept calling them older men.... Pc gone mad.
  4. I've just started reading his book. It's brilliant so far. Fair play to him because no-one else is prepared to do what he's doing. He's an intelligent lad, be interesting to see how far he gets.
  5. Nice dog...! Has he got a Facebook group I can follow...? ??
  6. I'm sorry but no chavs need apply??? Who'd get shut of a dog that has done his job that well for 8 years? Oh yes.... A chav
  7. That's bollocks..... fecking dog is past it's sell by date! If it's been that busy it deserves a place next to the fire, not getting moved on..... if the dog has done his job that's the least he deserves!
  8. I was in Madison square garden last night for the fight and that was the best atmosphere I've ever seen... and probably will ever see..! fair play to the Irish boys. Macgregor is unbelievable.....
  9. I love them mate, not your normal collie grey . . . fast, committed, don't mind a bit of terrier work and a joy to have around.I had a young bitch killed last September by the only car on the road in 45mins. I've asked for another in a year or two when there is another litter. Feck that's unlucky...! Hope you find something right again
  10. I like her mate. Looks really focused. Training looks to be going well.
  11. Did you have any luck finding a pup mate?I picked one up last week. A real handful but very clever and learning things very quickly... Where'd you pick your pup up from mate? what breedings behind it?Great Yarmouth, a nice little 10 hour round trip Her father is berry 2 lines who's now in USA for the police and mother was imported from Spain If I'm right they would be the pups out of Zeus? If so you wont go far wrong, Ive seen the dog work and have 2 of my own out of Berry 2 lines. Yes the sire is Zeus and thanks for that. That's very good to know! I'll pm you after the weekend..
  12. Did you have any luck finding a pup mate?I picked one up last week. A real handful but very clever and learning things very quickly... Where'd you pick your pup up from mate? what breedings behind it?Great Yarmouth, a nice little 10 hour round trip ?Her father is berry 2 lines who's now in USA for the police and mother was imported from Spain
  13. Did you have any luck finding a pup mate? I picked one up last week. A real handful but very clever and learning things very quickly...
  14. cant touch it during the day knocks me for 6 lol,one every evening before bed,strictly medicinal good ounce lasts me a while although some weekends it takes a battering lol Brilliant...! ? I'm exactly the same. A no no for me during the day! It just writes me off
  15. Just seen this topic as I'm waiting for a phone call to go pick some up. Funny film and a big bag of snacks from the shop. Can't beat it...! I couldn't have it during the day though, personally can't function properly ?
  16. Any pics for us mate? 100% my next dog when the kids are a little older.
  17. atleast he's on the last fighters most awesome knockouts list now haha Haha at least in wasn't all in vain then!
  18. He's ducking brook cause he talks too much? Khan fan or not you surely have to agree that he's desperate not to get in the ring with him. He'd hate to get beat from someone in England.
  19. Is that one or two you want then dean? I like the sound of this cross, hope you get sorted.
  20. I'll be amazed if your statement is true. I'm sorry but I'm not giving him any credit for this fight. It's a win/win for him. He's scared to fight brook or Garcia so if he loses against canelo( which he will) then he's earned loads of money and can then afford to get beat again before he retires scared to fight Brook If you don't think brook wouldn't do what canelo did then Id stay away from gambling ? That's the first time he's fought a real puncher since Garcia and looked what happened. He says he wants to fight the best ummmm??? Because the best pay the most even if you lose. Why has h
  21. I'll be amazed if your statement is true. I'm sorry but I'm not giving him any credit for this fight. It's a win/win for him. He's scared to fight brook or Garcia so if he loses against canelo( which he will) then he's earned loads of money and can then afford to get beat again before he retires
  22. I've got some old army binos and a great pair of eyes if your interested?
  23. I reckon he could be in THIRSK NORTH YORKSHIRE ......... i thought essex?Whit is the lowest form of humour ??
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