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Everything posted by fazza123

  1. All that's listed now is the new xm30s which are expected in stock on the 31st October. That's on uttings and scotts anyway. They've dropped down in price a bit as well.
  2. Thanks for that mate. I'm going to go for the xm30 but theres none in stock for 4 weeks. Looking forward to getting out with it.
  3. I dont own a gun and never will.
  4. Hi Which axion model would be your preference if they all cost the same? Tia
  5. Itll have to be mate, theres nothing worse than going for the cheaper model and regretting it ? Cheers.
  6. I cant decide about the Key 30 model, there £1260 which is quite a bit cheaper but dont have the record and photo features which I'd never use anyway. I'm pretty sure that would be good enough for me but be nice to speak to someone who's used both first.
  7. Have you looked through the Key 30? Just wondering whether that might do the job? Your right, I wouldn't use the video or anything like that.
  8. Yes looks like you've got more important things ahead, I did all that about 7 years ago. If I get one I'll get it on the tick, not going to fork all that money out at once, specially when I dont know how often I'll use it. Good luck with the wedding ?
  9. I think I'm going to go for a pulsar thermal mate, bit dearer but will definitely make life easier.
  10. Why are they going through your pockets these day? Ive Not had a tug for a good few years.
  11. That's the one I'm looking at, either that or the xq38 ? I'll just not tell the wife ?
  12. Anyone out there that can answer this question? I'm in the same boat... Cheers.
  13. Cheers, I didnt know about the night vision threads ?
  14. Does anyone use night vision to have a look around before putting the lamp on? Thinking of investing in some NV binoculars but cant decide what to buy.
  15. I agree there. I think we are all racist to a degree and that's perfectly normal. Birds of a feather flock together. The government has flooded our country with people from different cultures and when they learn to treat us all the same then racism will cease to exist.
  16. Have you done anything constructive Black neck with the line breeding of any lurchers?
  17. I cant understand why people call him a peddler, if he wasnt breeding litters the genuine deerhound xs would very nearly be a thing of the past. I say fair play to him.
  18. That looks very useful ? does dai still keep the line?
  19. Proper old fashioned lurchers there Phil, crackers ? Yes the 3/4 bred sounds like an ideal cross for the tasty stuff.
  20. So you wouldnt rush to get one then two crows. I've been thinking about one for a while but ideally I'd like one x bull/greyhound but you dont see many being bred.
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