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Everything posted by FightTheBan

  1. Last PM she/he/it sent me was enquiring about what I done with any dogs that didnt make the grade Think it was expecting me to say I put them in a black bag and threw them in the canal. But I said I kissed them, cuddled them and gave them to a loving pet home . A right snake in the grass that one
  2. Glad Malt has been made a mod. Need some sanity brought back to this place. It is a long running JOKE that is wering thin on genuine members. Get that delete button working overtime!

  3. Part the skin around the damaged area. You will see the tooth marks and from the spacing you could work out what it was. As a guess i would say stoat, as a fox would not have tried to drag it through the fencing like that. FTB
  4. You are spot on. The decision has been nothing but detrimental to the site. I understand why it was done...to boost numbers, but Im a firm believer in quality not quantity . Who wants to listen to 100,000 pricks talking shite? Not me. Would rather listen to one genuine guy who knows his stuff. FTB
  5. fight the ban is corbin,a female member who was banned for accusing someone of thieving her dogs.thats about it in a nutshell. FFS I remember her. She was a total nutcase!. I have PM'd this member in the past few weeks, need to go and check what I wrote . Just shows you cant truse ANYONE on here FTB
  6. Whoa whats happened?. Im not reading through 14 pages of donkey piss so could someone please enlighten me FTB
  7. Thats the stuff If you need names and locations of moors in your area PM me, but you will need to do the legwork making phonecalls chapping doors etc. FTB
  8. Great to hear it mate. But keep the 'wildlife crime officer' at arms length. They would drag you through the shite soon as look at you. Verminous b*****ds. Pleanty of producing grouse moors round your area, I would start there and see how you get on. FTB
  9. FightTheBan


    There not all the same. At the back ok my house the keeper stays (only houses for about 15 miles). He has two kids aged 4 and 9. The 9 year old lad literally spends HOURS amusing himself outdoors. Chasing rabbits, making things, sitting outside rabbit holes with a sharpened stick etc etc He is a fantastic kid, does what he is told when he is told and not a bit of cheek out of him. Always polite, feel sorry for him as he has no friends to play with but it doesn't seem to bother him. He comes in to play pool most nights with us just to pass the time. I think if you pander to their
  10. Best of luck with your venture. Have alot of respect for anyone willing to jump in at the deep end and make a go of things. ATB FTB
  11. Ive done that aswell,but he said ''cut the wires'' so will have ago at that & see what happens Be funny as if you f****d your box I wouldnt go snipping away inside it anyway. Post the results either way FTB
  12. Dont listen to the haters. They have been well tried and tested and I for one rate them highly. Connections are shite, just the same as every other deben/lightforce bit of gear. But whats your alternative? FTB
  13. Remember when you got a tax rebate and went and spent it, only to find they made a mistake and you had to give it back. Priceless. FTB
  14. If he has never been worked then I suggest, without being rude, to not breed from him. All you will be doing is contributing to the vast quantity of shite and poorly bred dogs out there. Breeding him 'to keep one for myself' if you have no other motive is selfish and unneccesarry, unless you are willing to cull the rest of the pups. Breeding him to any bitch will not produce 'a clone of him' which is probably what you are looking for. If you are after another terrier then buy one in from one of the many litters already out there. I am sure there will be people out there who will help you
  15. I agree. It is handy to have it bleeping away to let you know all is well. Especially with young and inexperienced terriers. FTB
  16. Friend of mine had a collie for years that would catch rabbits on the lamp with ease. As ood as most lurchers in fact. Used it to rise hares in parks aswell for the lurchers. Pre ban of course. Know of a labxgerman wirehaired pointer that will draw and kill foxes when out with the terriers. Marks earths aswell. Pre ban of course. FTB
  17. My mate arraged to meet an ugly bird off facebook he sent her to the empty house accross the road poor lass had no money to pay taxi driver and lived the otherside of sheffield. Shouldn't be a slag. :laugh: :laugh: Was this your mate Tb and he just got his adress wrong? FTB
  18. Why would you pretend to be your mum? What were you hoping to achieve other than looking like a serial mong? FTB
  19. Going for a 'bellybuster' at the local pub. Wish me well.

    1. Lab


      atleast your honest....lol

    2. judge2010


      you want to see the one i "popped" round to see today. Hope nobody saaw her lol

    3. Lab


      She was on here earlier saying very near the same thing.....lol

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  20. You've got to be cruel to be kind. One I use myself quite alot FTB
  21. I hope they get parvo. At least then he wont make the same mistake again and again. FTB
  22. It doesnt matter. Those who put up such pictures obviously have nothing to loose so will continue to do so. Common sense aint that common. FTB
  23. Oh heres Mark2007's thread where he was exposed - http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/200119-pups-im-running-on/ It is laughable thet you are both on here throwing insults at each other, when in fact you are one in the same...money grabbing, dog dealing, puppy farming, spewer producing, breed ruination whores who should be outcast from the sport. An embarrassment to us all. FTB
  24. Bet poor wee calvert never saw the thread turning out like this did he! Wanker FTB
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