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Everything posted by FightTheBan

  1. Aye great idea!. Then prospective employers could be inundated with CV's from the likes of Judge, TB25, North easts finest, welshnutter and oldtimer123. FTB
  2. F***ing hell FTB, that clips ancient lol. But still very amusing. FTB
  3. Would you prefer we all keep quiet and let joe public believe that's how we all act?? No mate, but pandering to bullshit like that just gives it credibility. I've no doubt there are morons who kill cats, but to make out its organised and pre meditated is the same as the stories about organised badger baiting rings, nonsense. At the end of the day its each to there own Personaly I dont do cat (coursing). Even thou I will stick by my words cats are fukcing pain in the arse old bettys cat is so sweet and innocent. BOLLOCKS I don't think there can be anyone who dislikes Cats mor
  4. FFS Im very surprised you have not been on Jeremy Kyle TB. Under the title 'facebook wrecked my life' or 'hooker stole all my posessions and left me homeless' lol FTB
  5. i bet she regrets that lol Aye. The only way she could have made that worse was to have come back and dropped a terrier in FTB
  6. Working dogs and livestock on this forum... Who do you think buys most of the dogs? I will hazard a guess that about 30% or less are genuinely decent human beings the rest well go figure. Far too easy for these knobjockeys to get hold of dogs and this site sure as f**k aint helping. JMO FTB
  7. Well at least for a few weeks untill one of the following:- Lack of work forces sale Split up with the missus forces sale New job forces sale New house forces sale New kid forces sale Barking in the kennel forces sale Shitting in the kennel forces sale Or if they manage to make it to the grand old age of 12 months :- 100% bull cross for sale through no fault of it's own Jobs a good'un FTB
  8. Why don't you knock a couple of hundred quid off your asking price?. Working dogs at working mans price. I wouldn't pay the prices some peddlers pump their pups out at, no chance. I would rather wait and get one free from a friend. How much were you advertising them for?, and that will answer your question. FTB
  9. Well heres some advice for you. Either get rid of one or both of them before they get ruined. You should have done your homework instead of jumping in feet first like 99% of the youngsters who are only in the 'sport' for a few months before they jack it. Let us know how they are doing a year from now. FTB
  10. f*****g retard more like!. Coming soon to a for sale section near you. FTB
  11. 1. Yes they do use trees. Often in harsh weather but they are equally at home roosting on the ground in heather and long grass. I have flushed them out of trees in the daytime, usually in winter and I have never had them roost in trees at night, always on the ground. 2. They often can be seen in large groups all year round but can also be solitary aswell. More often than not males are in groups most of the year, some bigger than others. During the leking season they perform displays in large groups whilst the hens find a mate. PM me if you want any more info FTB
  12. Agree. You reap what you sow. Hope you are ok martin, as for the other lad well mistakes happen but that sounds like it was reckless to say the least, he will get no sympathy for me. FTB
  13. Foxes need controlled...end of. I have no objection to that. What I do object to is 'sportsmen' who are kidding themselves on that they are doing the farmers a service when half the time they aren't even on permission. So much emphasis is put on catching lads running hares/deer/fox with dogs WTF about those who are driving around with high powered rifles, often near built up areas blazing away where they should not be? They just leave the carcass in the field and drive off and there is nothing to connect them to the crime And the true sportsmen who go out for a run with their dogs, mayb
  14. Peddlers always have a good story. I wish there was a smiley with a violin but this one will have to do Simoman you know how many dogs he has sold on here...far too many. Just delete the prick. FTB
  15. Cheer up lump the dale farm eviction is on bbc1 as we speak. ATB FTB
  16. No most lads talk a good game. I actually have some respect for Toffee for not bullshitting! At least he aint pretending the dog is something it is not like 99% of the c**ts on here. FTB
  17. Your post makes no sense... You wasted 2 years on a terrier that failed...so your going to try and breed better by breeding off an untried and untested dog to a potentially equally poor bitch? Makes no sense. You would be better grafting the dog you have and if its shite, well you know the rest. But you carry on anyway and let us know how these pups turn out in another 2 years! FTB
  18. what a feminine thing to notice! Hey you were all thinking it You want the truth! You can't handle the truth! FTB nope, you're just a tart! Right enough is enough stop ruining this post! Bloody messer. FTB a dont really no who the f**k you think you are so away play wee games way your jcb ya f*****g arsshole,,, Are you for real? I thought you were coming on here with your powderpuff pet at stud for a reaction, turns out you were being serious No wonder there is that much shite around with retards like you breeding the c**t out of spewers.
  19. what a feminine thing to notice! Hey you were all thinking it You want the truth! You can't handle the truth! FTB nope, you're just a tart! Right enough is enough stop ruining this post! Bloody messer. FTB a dont really no who the f**k you think you are so away play wee games way your jcb ya f*****g arsshole,,, Are you for real? I thought you were coming on here with your powderpuff pet at stud for a reaction, turns out you were being serious No wonder there is that much shite around with retards like you breeding the c**t out of spewers.
  20. what a feminine thing to notice! Hey you were all thinking it You want the truth! You can't handle the truth! FTB nope, you're just a tart! Right enough is enough stop ruining this post! Bloody messer. FTB
  21. what a feminine thing to notice! Hey you were all thinking it You want the truth! You can't handle the truth! FTB
  22. Kinda, weight is a function of gravity, so what an object weighs on Earth will be different to what it weighs on the moon (different gravity). Weight isnt measured in Kilograms (mass is) but in lbs or Newtons which are units of force. So in conclusion, weight is a measure of the force due to gravity acting on a mass. I bet your a right barrel of laughs on a night out! FTB
  23. Are you gagged and bound to the computer or am I missing something? There is a wee button bottom left of your screen, click it then choose the option 'shut down' problem solved. Glad to be of assistance FTB
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