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Everything posted by FightTheBan

  1. As i am currently looking for a terrier of mine that was stolen x mas eve, it has got me thinking. Where do they all go? You hear of dogs being stolen week in, week out and there must be a market for them to make it worth thier while. I will accept the pikeys steal some(definately not all), and i will accept they will be bought by scrotes too money orientated to do their homework (the kind of dogmen that we dont need) . But where do the rest go, some are never heard from again. The dog world is quite a close knit community and its too close for certain dogs to be passed around undetecte
  2. I have found the .17 to be quite a dirty round, and mine needs cleanes about every 20 or so shots (not necessary but it does start to go slightly off). I zero all my rifles in at 100 yds, its just whatever your comfortable with. Cheers FTB
  3. I thaught he was talking about forestry as in felling trees etc. There is alot of work towards both sustainable forestry and using forests as recreation facilities etc. Both of which he would need some sort of degree in. i was only trying to give the guy some advice, because no one else was, i dont claim to know everything. Thanks anyway for correcting us mate. Cheers FTB
  4. Absolutely shocking mate. I am trying to find a stolen terrier at the moment, and when i find whos got it, i swear the bats are coming out. I will keep you in mind. FTB
  5. Sorry to bump this up again Does anyone have any information or contact details for STEVIE D, would really like to speak to him. Many thanks FTB
  6. All i can advise mate is dont go for tent pegs or anything like that, they bend and snap. Dont get aluminium, go for stainless steel as they are tough and wont rust. If you know any handy folk (even a farmer from your permission etc) shoud weld you up a few. I feel your pain, i put a rock straight through the nail on my thumb yestarday trying to mash wooden pegs into frozen ground. By f@ck that hurt Bad times lol. FTB
  7. Theres pleanty of time mate, dont rush into any degree or job without thinking it through, and most importantly dont go to uni just because your parents say you should. If your hearts not in it you will only fail. The way the economy is anyway the next few years you will do better for yourself if you are in education. Farming is an industry lacking people with skill, not just farm managers. Relief milkers can get 12 quid an hour for example. I am at uni doing an environmental management degree, and work on a farm part time. There will be alot of future careers in renewable energy, but y
  8. Well its not really clear what you want to do? Do you want to go to college or university? If not i wouldnt recomend forestry, no money in timber and very few career options. FTB
  9. I use bits of broom handles too, but with this hard frost they are impossible to use. It took me 40 mins to net a 15 holer yestarday, ground is like concrete, very glad i didnt have to dig. I have 3 nets with stainless steel spikes, and they went in a treat, i am changing all mine to steel pegs. They dont hold as well in normal conditions, but all mine are double peggers anayway, so they should be alright. Cheers FTB
  10. ''what lampin comp is that and if dont beleve me then take me on in a little lamp comp '' Quite interesting many were quick to pass judgement but arent so quick to take the lad up on his offer. I admit it sounds far fetched, and if i had a lurcher i would go and match him, but i dont and i have no reason to doubt him. Fairplay. FTB
  11. My bitch does it occasionally, there is nothing wrong with her legs, i think its just a habbit. Does she have this disorder? I have never heard of it before. FTB
  12. On the shoot my brother works at, if you are caught leaving cartridges you get a £20 quid fine. LOL Seems to work, especially for the keepers as they use estates own cartridges. Cheers FTB
  13. ''Dog should not be ever bred from'' Seriously? My wee russel bitch moose sometimes does it, skipping along. I always thaught it was just a comical habbit, not a genetic disfunction. Cheers FTB
  14. Stevie D, do you have any information about the dog? Any help would be much appreciated, the sooner in get the dog back the better. You can PM me if you prefer. FTB
  15. 'Didn't come fron Neilston by any chance did it?' Spot on mate, how do you ken? Dont want to say too much on open forum, if u catch ma drift. Cheers FTB
  16. Sorry, still dont agree. Inteligence in a dog makes it a greater advisery for its quarry, its what can give a dog the edge and what can make either an average dog a special dog. I am not saying all collie crosses will be world beaters, some will be untrainable, thats nature. What intelligent dogs need is instruction, direction, stimulation etc and thefore they are not likely to put two fingers up to their owner, and do their own thing. A dog with these qualities as well as a bond with their owner will want to please. I have seen clever dogs make a c#nt of owners who cannot see
  17. ''A collie can be too clever for its own good sometimes. Its personal choice but I dont like collie in a lurcher. '' There is no such thing as a working dog that is too clever. There is such a thing as a dog ownwer that does not have the ability to train a smart dog. I do not mean to offend you, it is just my opinion and have seen many good dogs ruined (funnily enough most are collie derrived lurchers) because the owners are too inept to train them and stimulate them enough. I am very much open to be corrected. Cheers FTB
  18. Think i just threw up a little bit LOL
  19. I dont have any pics of the dog mate. But i appreciate any help, someone is bound to hear something about the dog. Cheers FTB
  20. I am currently looking for a stolen terrier. Its times like this you wish you had better security etc. It is not nice, and wouldnt wish it upon anyone. Anything that helps prevent this happening can only be money well spent. All the best FTB
  21. I would keep them seperate mate untill you have a kennel sorted out, they would probably be fine but you are better being safe than sorry. They dont need massive expensive kennels, some places are very reasonable and they do not need a heater, but if you must get a heat lamp from an agricultural store. I work 2 male terriers who used to be at each others throats constantly, but i got a kennel box built with separate compartments so they have their own space and there hasnt been any trouble since. Im sure someone could point you in the direction of a cheap source of kennels, i acnt he
  22. Mee too mate. Hes too good a dog to be passed around by these verminous bastarts. FTB
  23. ''my chickens and pheasents are more important. '' I never said they werent and id be the first to kill a fox doing harm, cubs or no cubs. But i prefer to do the vixen and cubs (hopefully dog too) at the earth with terriers. Or wait at the earth and shoot vixen and cubs together because its the right thing to do. As i said each to their own mate, im not having a dig. Cheers FTB.
  24. ''It seems that, somewhere along the line, priorities have become mixed up...... '' Its simply because there is too much red tape. If you were a police man in charge of a unit, what would you rather do:- 1 - Fill in a mountain of paper work before atempting a drugs raid on a house where the occupants could be armed. 2- Drive around in the evening in your heated BMW looking for young lads to nick. Its a no brainer. Same reason traffic police are fond of sitting with their feet up and the speed gun out. I for one dont blame them, they are only doing their job. Its that useless scrote
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