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Everything posted by FightTheBan

  1. Hullhunter is spot on. How can it be the lads fault if he has never been taught right from wrong. I blame the people who pump out pups the give them out like sweeties. These people have no respect for the wellbeing of the animals, nor the name of the sport. If working dogs were only sold to people who knew what they were doing/those who had people to learn the right ways off of, the sport would not be full of scum. FTB
  2. I think the advantage of the pes is that you can take it apart to clean, as apposed to the T3 which will probably increase its lifespan. FTB
  3. Witht he press fieldsports in general recieve i wouldnt blame anyone for not answering your questions. I sure as hell wont be. A good pointer for your future career as a journalist would be try and report on facts, not false truths and twisted statements. FTB
  4. I dont use a mod, have dropped 4 roe deer one after the other in the same field and have shot more than one fox in a field. I dont see the advantage of the extra 200 quid +, i think you would be better putting that money into a better scope. The only advantage i see is for your hearing, for noise reduction in a built up area and so when lamping it is easier to identify you hitting your quarry. If you have money to burn then fair enough, if you dont it can be spent more wisely. FTB
  5. "why you interested?????" We have had this discussion before, i told you werent my type. Too much giving not enough taking. :sick:
  6. Oooft. :thumbs-up: Out of interest, you got a contact for the box bud. Im looking for one at the min. PM us if you prefer. TA
  7. A dog that fails to do the job it was bred for would never be in my kennel and never be bred off. FACT. As i have said before, if a dog bred for bunnys and big bunnys didnt do bigger quarry, then that could be accepted. Bull xs that dont do their job should not be bred off, as that is the only logical rason for having that breeding in a lurcher. FTB
  8. No wonder the area is dodgy, its keepered to fukc. You would have to be mentaly handicapped or have literally nothing to loose to risk a run there. Do a bit of travelling, get some permission and be sensible with it. FTB
  9. "granted we prefer to use the term "bringing on a pup" but isnt the way we turn a pup on or ease into the game "a form of training"??. cant see where the lad implied you could train a dog to stay? " Not really. Training is a method of installing something into a dog that is already there. Labradors to retrieve to hand (part of instinct), lurchers to hunt up etc. With terriers its there or its not, You cant put in what was left out and no amount of training will help this. FTB
  10. If you have the money definately go for the Anchutz. Lovely wee gun that has many specifications that you can choose to suit wourself. Alternatively if you dont have the money go for a CZ. In any case i think it makes sense to spend as much on a scope as you can afford, and the gun comes after. A good scope is the key element to any rifle setup. FTB
  11. Pretty poor season here. The ground was either frozen solid, covered in snow or saturaed with rain. Very fer decent running days and the game has taken it pretty hard. Just got some more rabbits to clear up and it will be by. Pleanty of terrier work mind you with alot accounted for so its not all bad news. FTB
  12. Feck me worked over by Denis the menace Funny as
  13. Naw, got a phone call the other day someone said they seen it but turned out it was a different dog. I think its fair to say he is well gone now, shame as i thaught he would make something. Keep an eye out for him at Nielston terrier show FTB
  14. Was working a red lakie at the start of this season, bred around your area, untill some fecker stole it. Just have russels now myself. FTB
  15. "no id walk to him and say go on big man shoot me if he had it pointed at me then when he didnt have the balls to id shoot straight in the teeth with a catapult and then beat im and shoot his dog so yh id go to a man with a gun " Marvelous
  16. KEANO you keep some tidy kit. Nice to see someone my neck of the woods actually working there dogs. FTB
  17. Your not from Galston are you by any chance? Thompson. FTB
  18. Not 100% but i think it will be 30+ litres per cow per day, depends on breed and number of milkings as well as alot of other factors. FTB
  19. Looks like you having more success than me with mole traps. Tried a couple of times and caught bugger all. FTB
  20. Great pics mate. Sounds like you had a good do! And i like the wee russel FTB
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