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Everything posted by FightTheBan

  1. What do you class as all round work. Bull is put into a dog for one reason and one reason only, and all round work isnt it. FTB
  2. Let them have a go. I did and decided i was shit at it and never wanted to do it again Its quite an art to be a good trapper, and the happy go lucky trappers will never understand it. All the best to you pesties, i dont envy your job FTB
  3. Why would you bother. There aint even enough meat on them for a decent sandwich so your as well disposing them. FTB
  4. What did you do? Drop 6 quid on the ground then shaft them when they bent over to pick it up? FTB
  5. Iv seen alot worse, should see the condition some people leave foxes in fields after a GOOD night out youd be amazed. So hey, whats the differance ? Is it just because its a domesticated animal that its seen as so crule ? The old antis must love this site. I can almost here them now saying, "what a bunch of hippocrits" Now is that a good point or what ??? What the feck are you talking about you shitty scrote. How can you even compare a humanely dispatched fox with this brutality. You sound like a total amateur, a pretender and a prize prick. FTB
  6. Meindl or black islander. Best boots on the market bar none, if your budget will stretch to that. FTB
  7. Should sell all those on Ebay, buy an MK3 and pocket the hundreds left over from the numpties who pay up to £100 quid for a mk1. Sorted FTB
  8. "The first rule of thl club is: we dont talk about moles The second rule of thl club is: we dont talk about moles..." Why? If your confident in your abilities as a pesty then you should have nothing to worry about and let your work speak for itself. If you arent that good, then i would expect a reply as the one above, afraid Joe Bloggs will steal your work. JMO FTB
  9. There are bad ferrets, good ferrets and exeptional ferrets. Just like anything, some of it is in the breeding but most of it is what you put into them. The more you work them the better they get. Unfortunately i was ferreting monday/tuesday and a dog killed my best ferret. Wee white jill, fabulous worker. Knackered my breeding for this year as i was going to put her in kit and run on all the jills out the litter. Now its back to square 1 FTB
  10. Had 17 with my russel bitch this year. Think about 9 of them were bolts. Had about 7 or 8 with two other dogs that i work for a friend of mine. The snow hepled matters, and put alot of things to ground early on. But thats us by for this season (except lambing callouts). Dug a vixen a few days ago that was very heavy. FTB
  11. It was stolen on Christmas eve pal. Probably long gone by now, but you never know. FTB
  12. Ah feck. Had ma hopes up there for a minute. Nae bother mate, cheers for lettin me ken and i hope he finds the owner soon. Cheers FTB
  13. Aye alright...............lazy c**t. LOL. Just messing bud, many a keeper would give his right arm on a place as productive as that, but you cannae beat the scottish grouse for sporting value - not my words, a very keen grouse shot. Those soft english grouse are more like partridge. Keep it up mate, yous are the only ones giving the job credability at the moment. FTB
  14. He hasne got back to us yet bud. Hope he gets back soon as FTB
  15. Trainspotting layer cake snatch lockstock menace to society hurtlocker full metal jacket the deerhunter platoon And if you want a good laugh - superbad...its funny asfuck WATCH
  16. Awrite. Is it a dog? PM me with any details, much appreciated FTB
  17. "Used to serve fish and chips to John Cravens mum.....many,many years ago... " Hope you spat in his portion, no good tree hugging bullshitting tosspot. FTB
  18. Been beating up at Roman Abramovich, boss of chelseas shoot in perthshire. The king of spain was shooting that day with armed bodyguards with him on his peg...i shit you not. Someone from dire straits came shooting partridge on a local estate, complete with his chopper etc. I dont know who the fluck they are, too young, but there supposed to be a band of somesort. FTB
  19. Maybe not better career move, just better career and better quality of life. Most grouse keepers have weekends to themselves if they can put enough work in through the week. Bosses have more money in general, and bonuses are far superior than pheasant as are the wages(in general). This is obviously just my opinion based on personal experience. I am not for a minute saying pheasant keepering is not a good job, just i think grouse is better. Pheasant has moved over the years from keepering more to a 'farming' type roll on big shoots. I know pheasant beetkeepers who couldnt tell you where th
  20. Where abouts are you situated mate? I take it from your name, Scottish borders? If so, would you be interested in looking more into grouse keeping? IMO, its a far better career move, no doubt some will disagree. Summer work experience could include grouse counting and beating with the option for someone to take you on in winter. Pleanty of grouse estates in that area. FTB
  21. "but when i reached it an had a big old sniff" LOL. legend
  22. Take your old head to a welder fabricator. He will make you one that will last a lifetime and suited to your spec. I can get them done for a tenner, because its a handy wee job if there are apprentices and young lads at the fabricators, to give them experience. FTB
  23. Salt water..and lots of it. This is ample in most normal cases as long as you keep an eye on it regularly. I aint a fan of jabbing dogs for no reason. FTB
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