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Everything posted by franco56

  1. franco56


    nice one [bANNED TEXT] it looks like it had a jam sandwich for its breakfast
  2. good 1 [bANNED TEXT] nice gun aswell :thumbs-up:
  3. cheers lads for all the info i know all the safety procedures etc but i dont know how far shot can travel
  4. im 16 years old and ive got the police comeing out tomorow to inspect my cabinet and i was wondering what questions i will be asked as i was told i by some one that they will ask me how far shot will travel etc if so can some one help cheers
  5. what would the easiest pheasent to make be and how would i make it?
  6. useing that will be a waste of time, money and rabbits
  7. i your right there mate i just thought i might get bit luck doing this lol
  8. hi i normaly go with my mate to permission that his dad has but the only problem is i can only go with him. so i cant go when i want in my spare time. so i was woundering if some one would be able to sort me some permission out in county durham where i live its just to use an air rifle on. oh ive been out searching but every ones said no. cheers :thumbs-up:
  9. im thinking of starting snareing but i dont have any could any help me out with a thew snares for free
  10. put ur trap on a home made tunnel on a small raft
  11. nice shooting mate them foxes didnt know [bANNED TEXT] hit them
  12. im 15 years old and i want a shotgun liscence but i was told that i could get one but i have to keep my guns in another liscence holders cabinet who is over the age of 17 is this true
  13. lovely fish m8t bet they tasted great
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