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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Hi mate so you might av made a mistake so what who hasant Good for you for appoligising that takes a real MAN
  2. Also mick there is different materials to knit with now like spun nylon / polyester and the usual hemp in different grades and nylon in different grades I personaly tend to use polyester but try different stuff to see what you like yourself GOOD LUCK
  3. We personaly dont charge on all the land we do we do it coz we love it And if we didnt do it for free there is plenty of ferreters who are waiting who will But aving said that ask one of the pest controllers who do it for a living they might be able to put you right with prices etc
  4. I do make some nets of my own mate but to be honest im crap at it regards time to make it depends some blokes can make em in half hour and then theres blokes like me who just do a bit at a time and it takes me all day to make one I know there are alot of good net makers on this site and hopefully someone can give you a better insight into making nets one thing i do know is practice makes perfect GOOD LUCK WITH THE NETS
  5. Hope everyone has calmed down now as this post seems to have caused a lot of bad feeling for one reason or another At the end of the day we are all hear coz we enjoy the same field sports and are after a bit of advise as NONE of us now it all and NEVER will So lets get back to the job in hand by helping each other out and let this POST go
  6. Nice looking team you have there mate
  7. I agree with what has been said move her to a smaller cage and she should calm back down And good on yer for taking the time to take the kitt to the vet its nice to see ferret keepers like yourself Hope the little one makes it ok
  8. The court and ferrets look fantastic well done sue They are a credit to you
  9. What a brilliant idea i use an old baking tray at the moment in the court when its hot this olympic pool has put my baking tray to shame its great well done
  10. I agree with skycat a mate of mine a few years ago had a albino hob and it was massive and i do mean big we nick named it otter because of its size !! And to this day never seen a ferret anywhere near the size of it But in all fairness it did work ok and would work all day long without tireing if you wanted it to
  11. I'm just being realistic if treatment can not / will not be got for an animal, i would rather see it shot than left to suffer. so am i being realistic take it to the pdsa or a rescue centre or even the rspca one of these societys will not see it suffer either this is 2009 if you have no money there are societys there to help your mate we are all struggling with this recesion there is no need for any animal to suffer
  12. Another thing worth trying and they love it Is get an old football cut two 3inch holes in it drill a little hole in top and hang it on a string from the roof about 3 or 4 inches from the ground Of all the things in our ferret court they seem to love this the most
  13. Nice one grant-c Its brilliant to see someone who cares where there kitts get re homed There are unfortuneatly to many keepers who treat there ferrets like s**t and it really pis*es me off that the ferret works it heart out for you and they get kept if filth and not even fed or watered properly Thank good its only a very small lazy minority that do this Well done grant you are a very good example of a ferret keeper
  14. Hi mate if your friend is out of work is there a P.D.S.A near you he wont have to pay just give a donation this poor animal needs treatment NOW I also find it very disturbing that anyone would contonplate shooting a ferret because it needs vetanary help its this sort of talk that gets working ferreters a bad name with ferret rescue some places for which i happen to be a local co ordinator for the ferret welfare society and am trying to fight the corner of working ferreters this sort of cheap fix dont help our argument
  15. we having nightmares with phantom pregnancies this year As kay says it will pass or if you dont intend breeding from her in the future get her spayed and that will stop the phantoms in the future
  16. we are lucky in most of our permission is within about 30 min drive so we try and get there between about 8 and 9ish gives you time to sort out and probs lay ups etc
  17. Hi mate This is a question that will can never be fully answered because its all down to personal choice we PERSONALY prefere jills but we have over the years had some very good hobs as well and still work one now In my expreriance jills seem that little bit quicker but a good hob does seem to be more determined at moving a stubborn bunny But as iv said other ferreters will have there own reasons and choices it would be boreing if we all felt the same Try both and see what you prefere or even work both together
  18. We personaly dont mince nothing up just put it in whole the ferts will do the rest
  19. Nice one thanks for the info to all
  20. Once they do start eating properly get that freezer full up cos ferret kitts are like eating machines you wonder to yourself how can a whole rabbit fit into them 8 little bodies but it does as you will find good luck with your litter hope you find good homes for them all
  21. Nice of the farmer to have put your name forward dont forget to thank him
  22. Good for you mate well done Do a good job and it will lead to more ground for you im sure
  23. Hi mate we keep a vasectomised hob in with our 10 jills in a big ferret court all year round and have done for many years never had a problem we get more hassel with phantom pregnancies with the older jills than the hob he just does his bit and moves on to the next one that comes in season and although the jills dont hurt each other the squeeking upsets the wife and kid so we are gonna get the 2 main culprits spayed this year which will stop this
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