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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Good decision mate might be a good idea to take him out just in case you do get people who are lucky and the hob is fine with the kitts but for every one thats ok there is proberly 50 that would kill em I have always taken the hob out cos im one of the unlucky ones my old hob would have killed them good luck with your litter mate
  2. As ferreter.al says a vasectomised hob is your best bet Have a hunt round in your local area and on sites see if there is a keeper of a vasc hob who will lend you his hobs services its a lot cheaper than 2 jill jabs but jill jabs are a option if no hob can be found
  3. Hello mate welcome to the one of the best field sports there is Golden rule no 1 is dont try and run befour you can walk as in any thing in life and dont expect you young ferrets to either some youngsters go in and bang they bolt rabbit after rabbit and others take a bit longer to to get the hang of the game but they soon pick it up some of my best workers have hit top form at 2 year olds and go on for years of loyal service very rarely you do get the odd ferrets that just dont seem to want to be workers but this is not very often You will have to get yourself some purse nets your perso
  4. do you mean freddie? im gona get some new pics up in a week gona take them out for abit let them run around some empty borrows Sorry mate thats what i meant to say freddie not frankie need a holiday i think ?? anyway still like the size of him
  5. I have not seen a jill come back into season after 3 weeks after giveing birth either ???
  6. Looks good mate ferrets nicely looked after love the look of that hob frankie perfect size hob in my book Good luck with your cages mate hope it all goes well
  7. Well done mate you and your dad have made a good job of it The ferrets will love it
  8. What a brilliant photo well done only breeding i jill this year shes due on the 26th will let you know how many
  9. The polyester nets are brill I make my own in yellow / red / orange / and white all spools of polyester available from D.D TIMBER PRODUCTS on 01388 722600 they also sell the polyester nets allready made up if req but obviously they are dearer than making them yourself There are a few other companys that make these nets as well We still have got about 150 nylon nets in 10z nylon that we do use if we a netting up a couple of big burries but any nylon purse nets less than 10z just seem to tangle to easy But when on the smaller burries i much prefere the polyester ones
  10. Goog luck to you both with your litters hope you get some good workers out of them
  11. I hardly use txt talk for one i dont understand most of it and two i think its lazy to be honest My spelling is crap but at least THE OLD GITS LIKE ME can understand it hopefully
  12. Ad quite a few litters over the years and luckerly good survival rates If we decide we want to have a look how the kitts are doing we open the front of the cage as normal not the sleeping compartment pick the jill up and pet her a bit my daughter does this most days anyway then put her in a carrying box for a couple of mins whilst we av a quick look shut the sleeping bit and then let jill out of box pet her some more and then put her back in the cage never had any probs regarding stressed out jills TOUCH WOOD
  13. We put the rabbit in skin on with the guts out and normally whole if rabbit was shot or if ferreted we nik the saddle and the back legs for us and chop from the saddle forward off leaving the fur on which also includes the liver/heart/lungs etc and we give the ferrets 2 or3 of these a day but we do keep 10 ferrets housed together in a big ferret court so this it does not get chance to go off Regards the young ens squabbling over food they always do you could give em a rabbit each and they would still hiss at each other but you find this does pass as they grow up GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR 2 H
  14. The ignorant idiot will proberbly tell you that you will have to keep it MUZZLED
  15. As tiercel said silence is golden exspecially in the summer not that i ferret myself in the summer as i found it a waste of time with hang ups nettles and cover etc so i gave up summer ferreting years ago But we know there are ferreters that do it all year and do have good luck to but its not for us As one of the replies says try some jills they might move em good luck mate
  16. Just finished reading one of the late great brian plummers books And he quotes in it that he did on occasions give his ferrets fresh caught rats I do have access to rats that we catch in fen traps but i havant and NEVER would think of feeding the horrible bloody things to my ferrets Brian plummer as im sure you know was one of the leading faces on ferrets and terriers as was fred j taylor and few others We personaly would never feed rats to the ferrets was wondering does anyone on this site feed rat and if so do they like it and do you chop the scaley tales off em etc would be very
  17. As per the other replies You wait till they grow a bit they are like eating machines i will be surprised if you find anything left in there the kitts do love there grub hope you av plenty in the freezer good luck with em mate
  18. hi mate a mixture of fur/feather and ferret dry food will soon av em rareing to go good luck with your litter
  19. Got 10 ferrets in a big court ALLWAYS feed together in the evening and every day a whole rabbit in the summer or 2 or 3 pigeons which normally all gets eaten if any left in morning its taken out and thrown away If we are feeding dry food biggish bowl and same again remove it in the morning Never get any probs with ferrets fighting over food they are all roughly the same size and weight and are all healthy and work well And of course the water bottles are changed and refilled twice a day although they live in a big court with an aviery in the summer whilst not being worked my daughter nor
  20. Got 10 ferrets in a big court ALLWAYS feed together in the evening and every day a whole rabbit in the summer or 2 or 3 pigeons which normally all gets eaten if any left in morning its taken out and thrown away If we are feeding dry food biggish bowl and same again remove it in the morning Never get any probs with ferrets fighting over food they are all roughly the same size and weight and are all healthy and work well And of course the water bottles are changed and refilled twice a day although they live in a big court with an aviery in the summer whilst not being worked my daughter nor
  21. looks like about 8 there ?? mate well done and good luck with em
  22. nice dark eyed white jill good luck with her litter mate
  23. Not sure on this one mate we keep a vasectomised hob with the jills all year But have never tried 2 vasectomised hobs together ?
  24. I'm just being realistic if treatment can not / will not be got for an animal, i would rather see it shot than left to suffer. so am i being realistic take it to the pdsa or a rescue centre or even the rspca one of these societys will not see it suffer either this is 2009 if you have no money there are societys there to help your mate we are all struggling with this recesion there is no need for any animal to suffer i am fully aware what year it is. as you can see from my previous post i say take it to the vet ,rescue ,etc. but if he still wont do this then the animal will su
  25. Yeh as stubby said mate leave her in peace for a few days she is obviously a bit touchy at the min but she will go back to normal soonish we have had jills nip us when they are having a phantom pregnancy and these are jills that have never bitten anybody its there horemoans and motherly protection nothing to worry about GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR LITTER
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