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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Hi mate as previously advised put the pigeon in whole you will be surprised how early in life kitts start eating raw meat GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR LITTER
  2. my daughter spends a hell of a lot of time with the ferrets and she has always handled any kitts from day one the jills dont have any problems with it
  3. As long as the ferret has been cared for properly and they see no signs of neglect They have no right to keep your ferret regards to it being a worker or not But bare in mind as kay says hurry up or they WILL cut its bits off
  4. Got asked the other day what age did i think a ferret reaches its best working prime ? I said theres not a best age that i know of but at 3 to 4 years they seem to me to be at there very best iv had good older ones and good younger ones Would be interested to know what others think if ferrets reach a prime in there working lives
  5. Congrats on getting her back Split the kitts half each to the 2 jills they will never know the difference now and should raise them with no probs GOOD LUCK MATE
  6. We have used most types over the years but now much prefere the metal tent ones they never rot and go into all types of ground hard or soft rain or snow
  7. Nice looking kitts and parents they are a credit to you Also its nice to see the little girl handling them too GOOD LUCK WITH EM
  8. wood shavings from horse livery for floor and shredded paper for bedding only a very small amount of bedding in the summer filled up come winter
  9. Hi mate regards to how big warrens can be is in a word huge we have a lot of permission on the south downs in sussex and beleive me there are loads of 400 to 500 holers there are some even bigger than that and i dont mean warrens that look like seperate ones together these are massive single warrens we have ferreted some and although they normally hold loads of rabbits be prepared to be on one warren all day with 10 to 15 ferrets shit loads of purse and longnets If you are just starting up these monsters are not recomended find your self some reasonable size ones under hedges etc ne
  10. We binned the whole thing to be on the safe side
  11. Has anyboby seen a growth like this befour we found it in a rabbit we shot last night the growth looked and feel like a dry sponge the rabbit looked healthy enough untill paunched where we found this growth and the flesh was a bit redder than normal ???
  12. Thats pretty spot on mate you have hit the nail on the head
  13. Jill had 6 kitts yesterday so thats 362
  14. Agree with raider boy you will learn a lot from these sites Also i found the james mackay and simon whitehead books a good read No matter how long you av been at this game you will never stop learning GOOD LUCK MATE
  15. I think sometimes with no permission is better, it gives u a bit more of a buzz, but the risks are higher now than they were years ago, you could end up with a nice big fine or even end up getting sentenced, sometimes i think the law takes this a bit seriouse. the farmers dont want the rabbits,fox or whatever else you choose to take on their land but they dont want no one else to take them off, so you have to be sly about it and hope you dont get caught. anyway we all have our own opinions. atb J.A Yeh mate i can see what your saying but a lot of us have got shotgun and rifearms certif
  16. id never let anyone take wots mine no matter how big and hard you may be il try mi best [bANNED TEXT] ever it takes you might win the 1st round but theirs always time for a 2nd one day you will cross the wrong lad just something to keep in mined i no thay shouldn't be on your land but takeing sum ones kit and takeing or killing there ferrets is a bit much so taking the piss by taking someones game birds,deer,hares,fish,rabbits etc is ok is it?? it aint hard to obtain ferreting permition,i dont know anyone thats been refused it.infact,i have loads although i got rid of my ferrets
  17. wouldnt be on your land though or on anyone elses who would be walking round with guns. i said council land that is on the back side of my permission Have you tried asking the council to get permission we do a couple of council places with no probs tell them the rabbits are comeing off there land onto yours and could you get permission to control them Its worth a try
  18. They will be fine mate by late winter good luck with em
  19. Hi mate This is a age old question that no one person will ever be able to answer its somthing you will need to find out for yourself hobs and jills are equally as good as each other but ferreters tend to prefere one or the other for there own personal reasons IE size working ability temprement and so on all of them being right in a sense Its like buying a tool if you get a good drill and it works well lasts well and is reliable you tend to stick to that make of tool if you see what i mean and in a sense a working ferret is as well as a highly valid member of your ferreting team a tool
  20. Mince is fine but not to often as the one said its got the protein and fat content but aint got the roughage in it try and get out like you said and shoot a rabbit of 2 or try and pick up some cheap chicken wings or legs from tesco value things
  21. Hi mate we have a lot of very big burries on a lot of our pemission on the south downs 400 holes are common place and beleive me when i say they are hard enough work in the winter let alone this time of year Regards digging a lot of these burries are in solid chalk and really deep i do all sorts of ground but these big hill burries are by far the hardest of all They can be very productive but be prepared to be there all day if we decide to do one of the big downs burries we put down every purse net we have about 250 else they will hole hop all day surround the burrie with long nets a
  22. Dont just change vets mate report this stupid cow to the vets partnership or owner she should never be allowed to be a practicing vet and should be struck off before she injures or kills some poor sods animal Vets are not shy of charging and we are supposed to be paying for THERE knowledge
  23. Goood for you mate it makes me sick the way some people treat animals
  24. Yeh about 8 weeks is the norm just make sure they are eating and drinking on there own ok then they are ready to go
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