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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Good luck to you both tomorrow hope you have a nice day
  2. Hi all keep reading lately in local rags etc at the growing amount of people being chased by agressive cows and one poor bloke even being butted over by one ? I have been ferreting and shooting in cow fields for 30 odd years and i can honestly say i have never been chased by cows sometimes they might come over to be nosey and stand watching yer but being aggressive NEVER Has anyone on this forum ever been chased by mad cows ???
  3. Yeh wouldnt be a bad idea that mate
  4. Nice couple of ferrets there mate good luck with em And regards the oldies programes you cant beat em they are far better than the crap they put on today
  5. After owning and using both the quickset and the traditional nets the 4 that ferret together are in split descission 2 of us prefere the quickset and 2 prefere the traditional ? The quickset being prefered for the speed you can get it out and in and the traditional being prefered because its lighter to carry and is much better on uneven ground WHAT TYPE DO THE FERRETERS ON THIS FORUM PREFERE PLEASE AND WHY
  6. Flesh on the bone is best if available if not a good quality dry food is fine
  7. Wish you a fast recovery mate
  8. Well done lads good bag of rabbits and 2 tree rats too BONUS
  9. Know how yer feel mate all our best permissions sem to be riddled with mixy this year
  10. We went out yesterday and put a 100yd longnet and a few purse nets round a biggish burrie under some scrub This burrie normaly holds beetween 12 and 15 rabbits at this time of year we got 4 and 1 of them had the start of mixy It seems to be worse this year than we have seen on a lot of our permissions for some years Hope the weather starts to get a bit colder soon then hopefuly the mixy will die off and leave us a few rabbits to catch
  11. Yeh try and find him a home as a pet mate he dont look like hes a rabbiter do he
  12. Most of our nets are 3.5ft poly but we also carry about 20 4ft polys and 10 5ft 10z nylon ones this covers everything we will ever need to purse net
  13. Hope he makes a quick recovery mate wish him all the best
  14. Better than we are doing at the moment mate just 1s and 2s for us there seems to be myxy everywhere at the min So well done with your 9 bunnies
  15. £65 at our local vets for hob nautering same price for a jill to be spayed £65
  16. He looks like a nice hob well done for rescueing him and giveing him another chance of a good home
  17. We give them to the ferrets whole with the skin on and the guts out
  18. Well done mate sounds like you had a good day
  19. Hi all Went over one of my best bits of permission this morning to eye up what burries to have a crack at wednesday and the whole place is absolutely riddled with mixy rabbits sitting in the fields hunched up just waiting to die and dead carcasses laying all over what a very sad sight it was Has anyone else been hit bad with mixy yet this year
  20. Stunning scenery as pa larkin would say PERFICK
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