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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Well made mate looks great well done
  2. Making your own is not only a lot cheaper but you can make them to your own spec It also gives you so much satisfaction to know that you made the nets you are catching the rabbits in yourself We always use polyester but there is so many good materials to choose from GIVE IT A GO But on the other hand if making your own is not for you there is some good quality nets out there on the market but shop around for the best price and quality though
  3. Looks like the nipper enjoyed himself and well done on a good bag mate
  4. Its brilliant to see the youngsters out ferreting etc They are the future of this fantastic field sport we all love
  5. Got the usual blackuns and the odd ginger one but nothing out the ordinary
  6. We use only spun poly now but do still own 40ish 10z nylon nets i dont think its what they are made of that makes a difference on catching them its the way they are put down and you do get a lot of purse nets are to small 3 and a half to 4 ft ones we use now but you do still get the odd escapee thats the way ferreting goes and thats why we love it good luck mate
  7. Does anyone who makes there own purse nets know if spun nylon has to be double knotted ? We make all our own nets and only ever use spun polyester cos it handles and knotts nice its a pleasure to use but i fancy trying a few in spun nylon does this knott as nice as spun poly ? and will we have to double knott it would grately appreatiate any feedback on this please
  8. Give her a go mate you have got nothing to lose ferrets eye sight is very bad anyway they hunt on smell good luck with her
  9. Well done there mate good bag and nice pics
  10. Congrats on your 1st rabbit mate hope its the 1st of many more for yer
  11. Same as last replies cant say we have ever noticed any difference windy or not It can be a pain when its windy cos you cant hear the bolting as well as on a still day
  12. If the nets catch on any crap they dont purse properly If the place you intend to ferret is local to you try and get over there a couple of days earlier and clear the crap from around the holes you intend to ferret if not local try and do it as best you can when you get there but be a quiet as poss
  13. Give them as much room as you can spare in your garden and try if poss to put a little wire aviary attatched to the cage with pipes etc The skys the limit really it depends what room you have to spare it can never be to big GOOD LUCK WITH IT MATE
  14. As ian says master hunter We bought 16 off him and they are good quality and work well Ideal in heavy cover or near paths or roads
  15. We went out today had a good time bolted 10 out of 1st burrie caught 8 and missed 2 Then we got another 1 out a little 3 holer on the way home 9 for the pot in total all good healthy rabbits Although not the biggest bag we have had this year it was the most enjoyable so far Picture of my daughter and son who ferret with us and love it
  16. Just take out the main guts or paunch and give them the rest whole with the liver kidneys lungs and heart in
  17. On friday we noticed one of the young jills had her eye shut us thinking she had proberly scratched it whilst play fighting with the others we had a look in her eye and there was nothing visible in there so late yesterday afternoon my daughter took her to the vets cos although her eye was starting to open again we still wasnt happy with it On my daughters return she told me the vet had put a single green drop of jollop in the jills so it highlighted the scratch Mmmm he said yes its a scratch and give my daughter a £48 bill On reading the bill he charged us £10 for the drops £25 consu
  18. Same as stealthy we feed them as per normal the night before
  20. Brand new 200yds of sheet netting sandy/green in colour Its 6z nylon 15 & a half messhes deep 4 & a half inch mesh size and 1700 meshes long ie 200yds There is also 14 brand new carbon stakes all fitted with top and bottom grommets I will also throw in 220yds approx of white 2mm drawcord for the top & bottom lines This can be cut & made to your own spec either make a 100yd net with 100% bagging or 2 x 50yd nets with 100% bagging its up to you All you will need to get yourself is some end pins ie 2 or 4 depending what size nets you want to make with it ? All this stuff c
  21. Well done there lads and NICE looking stew
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