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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Well done there lads great pics and a nice bag of bunnies
  2. Well done mate glad someone is getting a few we havent been able to get out for a while hopefully av a go next week
  3. As long as my ferrets are good workers and hand tame who gives a s**t what colour they are ? We have 11 ferts of various colours and they all work equally as good as each other this colour and eye colour thing is a nonsence
  4. Well done mate glad the boy enjoyed it hopefully he is hooked
  5. You made a nice job of it mate it looks great well done
  6. As per usual lads great action vids and good luck to yer for the rest of the season
  7. Wouldnt breed brother and sister together personaly but a mate of mine did a few years ago and the kitts were fine and worked well so its your personal choice mate good luck with it if you go ahead
  8. We are lucky in the sense we can drive round all our permissions in the 4x4 but when the ground is waterlogged we carry what think we will need there is normally about 4 of us so its spreads the load thankfully
  9. Quite simple really Max, why stand around for half an hour whilst your ferret try's to move a stubborn bunny from a blockend which could be shifted from a 2 minute dig? Why stand around waiting whilst a ferret is laid up on a kill, or leaving a kill behind and finally emerging, which could be dug out easily? (what was the point in ferreting in the first place if your leaving kills below ground for no reason.) Why stand around waiting when there could be 3 or 4 rabbits up a tube that could be dug out easy? Why set 20 nets when a big hob could pin a rabbit in seconds and dug to in mi
  10. Ferret in rabbit out into purse or longnet or out to dog or hawk Why on earth would anyone choose to dig ??????????
  11. As long as there is plenty of clean shavings and warm bedding they should be fine mate
  12. She will soon trim down a bit mate when she starts working but a little bit of tub wont hurt her she will soon work most of it off they need a little bit of tub to keep em warm in this weather
  13. Very interesting film clip mate well worth watching
  14. Same here always have let the hob in with the jills in winter no reason why you cant ?
  15. Well done mate good pics where is your dads white jeans today ? LOL
  16. The public rights of way are still owned by the landowner whose land they cross And permission would still be needed by them to hunt rabbits The right to roam act (IN BRIEF)gives you the right to roam on unfenced and unkept open grassland only it doesnt mean you can just walk where you like on any farmland its a very complicated piece of legistation And same again you have to get permission to hunt rabbits on there unfortunatly all land is owned by someone
  17. 10 is a nice size bag mate well done
  18. The council wont have any probs with you doing the holes on there side of your permission we have a few bits of ground with holes on the roadside of the hedge and we normaly use our wire bolt traps for these as these can also catch the ferret if need be
  19. Ah dry fields forgot what they look like Well done there mate cracking pair of dogs you have there too
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