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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Thanks for all the replies will give em a go
  2. Hi all after seeking some advice out on this part of the site on which terrier best for marking rabbit holes we picked up our new jack russell pup on sunday and he is absolutly fantastic he is 16 weeks old and is already settled in very well for only 2 days The only small problem at the moment is at night we put his bed in the kitchen and left the light on and give him some toys till he gets used to his new home But he cries and cries for quite a while and although we dont mind and did expect this for a while the neighbours are miserable bast**ds and at the moment they are ok but i dont kno
  3. Thats a brilliant way of looking at it mate
  4. Never come across that one before mate but if in doubt deffo dont eat or feed to your ferrets for the sake of one bunnie its not worth taking a chance
  5. You done well there mate did the pregnant does bolt cleanly cos they can be a bas**d to shift sometimes when they are up the duff
  6. Good for you mate well done hope it turns out to be a productive bit of land for yer
  7. Well done there lads looks like a great day
  8. Got whites and poleys a sandy and a silver personaly prefere the whites only because they are easier to see in cover the colour makes absolutly no difference to there working ability
  9. Well done stealthy good result considering the rough condition of the ground you were working
  10. Good bit of advise there pigeon controller will try that one myself
  11. As Ideation said mate you get most of your permissions through word and mouth by doing the neighbouring land etc We are lucky in the sense we have secured hundreds and hundreds of acres of land over the years by this method you just need your first bit to get started dont be put off by knocking on doors they can only say no dont go all done up in cammo gear or the other extreme like a chav just a wax or shooting jacket etc 1st impressions make all the difference dont be put off by only little bits of land or even big country gardens because if you do a good job word gets around and you wi
  12. Well done there lads nice pics and a good bag of 14 bunnies
  13. We normaly call it a day when we start picking up to many milky does or young kitts this can be anything from early jan to late feb depending on the weather pest controlers carry on a lot longer than that some ferret all year its all down to personal choice
  14. how old are you both???? 8 ok mate if i get wrongly accused of trying to poach someones ground again I will try and act like a big grown up mature hero like you instead
  15. The person this lying twat is talking about is me what he forgot to mention is he offered the people on this so called tiny bit of permission a donation to there cricket club which they keept asking me when they were going to get there donation they were promised by him for which he was told they were asking for this donation he had promised them We told them we dont see him any more he has moved out the area as it was getting embarrassing keeping making excuses for him we dont do this little bit of ground of his we do next door we also have hundreds of acres of ferreting and shooting land a
  16. Well done there lads nice trio of dogs there too
  17. Sometimes takes me about an hour sometimes all day it depends what im doing i just pick it up and do a couple of rows when im in the mood for it there is no point in making nets if you are not enjoying it take your time and with experience you will get better and faster good luck mate if you continue to make your own nets
  18. Use sparrow netting and make it 22 to 24 inch deep depending what length net your putting in it...................... magwitch we were after some new netting as well for one of our baskets do you know where we can buy some of this sparrow netting from ? thanks
  19. It has to be a terrier as my other half doesnt like what she calls them skinny dogs I have tried to convince her about a small lurcher but she aint having none of it so its a terrier so i think i will look at a russell thanks for your replies
  20. Hi all what would you say is the best breed of terrier for marking rabbit holes and training to be ok with the ferrets i have a jack russell in mind or do you think a lakeland or patterdale or something else might be more suitable Also i have grandkids often at my house so would need to train it to be ok with the kids too
  21. Good luck with finding a new ferreting partner mate its hard to replace someone you have hunted and trusted for years you sound like a honest genuine bloke and hope you find a good ferreting buddy soon
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