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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Great pics and 22 bunnies this late in the season is a real bonus well done mate
  2. I know ferrets cant catch myxi and im pretty sure they cant catch rhd either what they do catch off rabbits is hundreds of fleas so keep them frontlined quite regular And as longdog13 said ferrets can catch the common cold virus and they can catch cat flu but dont think rabbits carry cat flu ???
  3. Nice one there stealthy as you say the end if the season is nearing
  4. Have just changed my supplier after years to agouti hes one if not the best for gear
  5. Looks like you done a good job clearing that sports field well done mate and nice pics too
  6. Nice one mate looks like the kid loved it hope he is now hooked for life
  7. Shes fine mate a good healthy looking jill
  8. Thats what we thought over exitement and he should grow out of it thanks for the replies
  9. Thanks to all for the help i received choosing and stoping my 19 week russell from crying at nite got that sorted now thanks to the help of members of the site can i pick you guys and girls brains again please The jack pup is coming on great now he sleeps all night without crying and he is all but house trained just the very odd little accident which is fantastic considering his age and we only picked him up 3 weeks ago The only thing is when we get visitors he gets very excited rolls around on his back and pees like a little hose pipe he is so excited i dont think he knows he is doing
  10. Same hear we might get out and give it one more go this season but thinking of calling it a day now till next season hopefully start again at the very end of august all being well
  11. as albert64 says single knotted and pulled really tight does the trick fine I have never had any knots slip using this method and spun poly
  12. We have got whites poleys a sandy and a silver and there is no difference in working ability I personaly prefere the whites only because they are easier to see when working in cover we breed the best workers together to get good ferrets no matter what colour they are
  13. well done there lads great pics and a write up
  14. They all kill from time to time hobs and jills its part and parcel i personaly have found hobs tend to kill more often Keeping as quiet as possible when netting up can make a big difference and after netting up leave the burrie for a little while have a fag etc before entering the ferrets it can change how the rabbits bolt But there are some rabbits no matter what you do they aint coming out so get your spade ready
  15. Jills for me every time but i have also had some good hobs over the years as well in big burries a combination of jills and a hob tends to move all the inhabitants its down to personal choice what ferreters prefere to use
  16. Thats the way to do it mate do a good job on your original permission then ask the neighbours well done hope it produces some good days sport for yer
  17. I have seen young for the last month or so, maybe if you feel sad you should take up golf Maybe if you have no feeling for anything you should take up hanging Steady now, bonny lads,.. Max,.we have been catching baby rabbits since Xmas,....its a bit of a fecker I know,.but what can you do... Facts are,...the traditional,..'ferreting season' is getting shorter and shorter each year,... All the best,.CHALKWARREN... Thanks Chalky, he had me checking my conscious. And sorry Max but if you don't laugh you'll cry Agreed lol
  18. I have seen young for the last month or so, maybe if you feel sad you should take up golf Maybe if you have no feeling for anything you should take up hanging
  19. We went out today did 1 small warren got nothing then changed location netted up a well used warren of about 30ish holes put in 2 jills and cleanly bolted 6 rabbits The only downer on the afternoon is 5 of the 6 rabbits were full of quite large young i know its part and parcel of ferreting iv done it for enough years but im sure im not the only one who feels a bit sad when you see this ? its hard to beleive in this STILL freezing cold weather that any animal would be carrying young but thats rabbits for yer
  20. As a lot of the previous posts we use the ferrets to nets and guns and it doesnt make a jot of difference GOOD LUCK its brilliant sport
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