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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. What length are those nets if they are 24 meshes long...????? SINDASOX 24 x 2inch meshes = 48inches in total which = a 4ft net PERFECT
  2. All ours are made 4ft long by 18 meshes wide they catch well 12 meshes wide is no good at all mate
  3. nice bag of rabbits there lads well done
  4. 4ft spun poly in all the bright colours easy to see dont rot and 4ft covers all size holes but every one has there own prefrences
  5. It depends what you have got to lose if like myself you have shotgun and firearms certificates you could have them taken off you if you get into any bother the old bill dont need a lot of reason to revoke your certificates hence why i would never bother poaching ferreting is easy enough to get without poaching have you asked the farmer ?? But other than that it proberly isnt worth the paper work to the farmer or the police when i started ferreting when i was 15 many moons ago LOL we used to just go ferreting where we wanted got caught loads of times and just told to get off or f**k off the l
  6. depends on where we intent to ferret but anything from 50 to 100
  7. It takes practice when i first started making nets the air was blue with f*ck its but keep at it mate you will get there I have a couple of net making dvds that i got in a job lot of gear a bought you are more than welcome to them if you want them send me a pm
  8. Dont make any difference to how they work spayed jills are the same no difference at all
  9. GREAT write up and pics mate the pic with the dog in the air jumping the fence is brilliant glad you had a good day
  10. Freezers full at the moment but have on many occasions made good use of early morning or fresh roadkill
  11. the biggest bits of permission you get are not always the best its another string to your bow as the saying goes GOOD LUCK WITH IT MATE
  12. Good on yer mate nice to hear someones had a bit of luck for a change enjoy it
  13. we get that in our ferret court we have 3 small sleeping compartments and the ferts sleep with different ferts every night but they all get along fine keep trying mate they should be ok in time very rarely do you get 2 ferts that hate each other no matter what you try but it does happen on occasions
  14. I personaly use and prefere blue or green 3mm draw cord on all our my purse nets though most use 2mm
  15. Always have and always will feed ferts in the evening if i am ferreting with them the next day or not if ferrets are going kill nothing is going to stop them
  16. As roxy said try putting them together on nutural ground ie a different hutch we get the same prob most years when we want to introduce new kitts to the ferret court
  17. Its there natural instinct mate some take to it straight away others take a bit longer keep puting him down with an experienced ferret he will soon get the hang of it the trouble with youngsters seems to be getting them out they always seem to want to play silly buggers in the hole entrances but they grow out of it
  18. No it doesnt mean anything we did a medium sized burrie at the start of the season nice fresh diggins fresh crap everywhere and fresh scratch marks all near the holes we got 3 rabbits out of it and these were very experienced ferrets a couple of weeks ago the same burrie didnt look nowhere near as good but our young jack russell marked it well this time he was very interested so we netted up put 3 ferrets in and got 11 rabbits out of it so you never know BUT THE DOG SEEMS TO thats ferreting for yer good luck mate
  19. Firstly welcome to what i think is the best field sport there is you would be more than welcome to tag along mate if you were nearer us hopefully someone near you will show you the ropes good luck and have some great days sport
  20. Yeh it cost us £90 quid to get our last hob vasectomised and that was the cheapest we could find most the vets down our way are greedy bas**rds but he has 10 jills to service so it eventualy pays for its self
  21. strong wind can be a real pain in the a*se when ferreting we find the rabbits very reluctant to bolt maybe due to human scent blowing down the holes at least you got a few well done mate
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