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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. He makes it look easy but i bet its not will give it a go at some point though
  2. We tried a few burys in a valley we ferreted last year with good success but turned out to be a waste of time we managed 6 but even they didn't look that clever spoke to a lady on a horse she then confermed our suspicions 3 weeks earlier the valley had mixy rabbits and dead carcasses laying everywhere going to try another place next week hopefully we get there before the dreaded mixy Has anyone else got bad mixy on there ground this season ??
  3. Well done mate sounds like you had a good day thats what its all about and memories are made from
  4. Personaly mate i wouldn't use any of them 10z nylon isn't too bad but them 4z bisley things are cheap for a reason they are sh*t have a look round and see if you can get some polyester ones that someone is selling cheap due to packing up ferreting etc poly may be dearer but as said they are dearer because they are better you get what you pay for if money is a bit tight at least go for 10z nylon they are a better quality nylon net good luck with the ferreting mate hope you enjoy yourself
  5. Advertising kitts or nets for sale is another way this scum find out where you live they phone you up pretend to be intrested ask your address then they have all the info they need they come back later maybe up to a couple of months later and nick your ferrets i know this for sure coz pykies did exactly that to a mate of mine and cleared him out they took the whole lot he was deverstated we have our ferret court hard wire alarmed padlocked and have 2 security lights also the dog goes beserk if the security lights comes on some theiving bast*rds are not nicking my ferrets so be carefull if you
  6. We normaly do a bit with the shotguns near the end of the season personaly we use 20 bores with 5 or 6 shot it seems to work for us The golden rule with ferret and shooting is 100% trust in the guns dont go with anyone who is trigger happy and make 100% sure you both know who is shooting where so no accidents to human or ferrets happen also only shoot when the bolted rabbit compleatly clears the warren personaly when shooting we leave the dog at home or in the 4x4 untill we finish each warren HOPE you have a good time mate it's good fun but if shooting with idiots can be deadly
  7. 3 bunnies is fine mate its about enjoying the day well done
  8. So will a brace of decent fit jills. Feck carrying 6 or 8 ferrets and all the gear to the holes and then the same and all the rabbits back again. If it was a 100 hole warren then fair enough but theres not many working warrens like that week in week out. dont carry anything we drive round all our permissions to much gear to lug round on foot
  9. we always take a minimum of 6 but do sometimes take up to 10 depends what size burys we intend ferreting and rotate them through the day
  10. Years age mixy was illegally spread by farmers and landowners and it proberly still is by the odd person but as already said mixy fleas are carried and spread by so many other ways that it doesn't need any help from humans spreading it does a good enough job on its own with the help of nature
  11. Well made made well done we cheated and bought all our's
  12. All ferrets will work to a degree just some work a lot better than others All our jills work well but i do have a couple of exeptional workers and these are the only two we breed from if you want the best breed or buy from the best and this gives you a better chance of keeping good working stock why people chose to breed from any old ferret is beyond me
  13. Always use a bulldog rabbiting spade found these to be a good allround spade but they dont come cheap about £30
  14. Have never bolted a fox had the ferret back out of a river bank burry once hissing and spitting then a mink showed itself at the hole entrance also over the years bolted a cat weasels stoats rats little owl and pheasants as forrest gump says you never know what your gonna get
  15. They wearn't a lot of good before they went bust mate we used them a couple of times and received a dreadfull service
  16. Have got 3 poleys 1 sandy 1 silver and 5 albinos they all work as good as each other but i personaly prefere the albinos only cos they are easier to see in cover etc
  17. Great post stealthy hope the longnet didn't pick up to much crap was gonna go out today but to its hot for me
  18. Haven't come across any young recently had a day off work today was gonna go out and do a bit of ferreting but its forcast 29 degree's TO HOT for ferreting
  19. Well done tom on your 1st rabbit your hooked for life now Its even better to see two experienced rabbiters showing the lad the ropes well done gents the lad will never forget you two
  20. Nice one lads well done looks like you had a good day
  21. The old boys i started ferrreting with 30odd yrs ago would turn it there graves if they could see what colour nets we use now but you have to move with the times and bright coloured nets are hear to stay THANKFULLY
  22. Makes no difference mate also have some spayed jills they work fine
  23. As said mate rabbits see in black and white so the brighter the better rabbits quite often get back netted in these bright coloured nets so if they were scared of them they would run away from them get yourself a few bright coloured spun poly nets mate you wont regret it
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