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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Good advise there you need to practise with it mate on flat even ground easy once you get the hang of it GOOD LUCK
  2. An old boy near me had the same and he said the hob worked great
  3. nice clear pics there mate well done what are the air rifles ??
  4. As part payment for a job i have this item for sale in the for sale section if anyone's interested LOCATOR HAS NOW BEEN SOLD thanks for the interest
  5. Given to me as part payment for some work i done for a friend i have for sale a deben mk 3 ferret/terrier locator there is one ferret collar and batteries for the collar and locator are included the kit is still in the box and has the instructions inside the kit is in near new condition and in perfect working order as anyone knows these kits are £140 to £165 new i am selling this one for £105 inc the recorded postage i was going to keep it myself but i already have 2 kits and dont really need another one if you are generally interested please pm me any questions i will except payment in cas
  6. sawdust on the floor and shredded paper for the bedding will never use straw again after a infestation of ticks to my ferrets from straw brought in from a pet superstore i managed to get componsation from the superstore for vet and tick treatment
  7. Sorry to hear about your dog mate it takes a real animal lover to do the right thing for your dog when the time comes regardless how hard it is On a brighter note well done on a nice bag of rabbits
  8. £1 each with skin on from my local butcher and £1.25p skin on or £2 each skinned from another butcher thats further to drive
  9. Shaped nets i do 10 12 14 16 then 16rows of 18 then 16 14 12 10 that gives a nice size 4ft net with plenty of bagging these nets catch and hold very well
  10. have seen the dvd and still got it somewhere it's not to bad
  11. They so expensive because there are so many diehard, old in the tooth ferreters who wont change there ways. The Mk3 is an excellent bit of kit. the mk 3 is far superior to the mk 1 the mk 3 is quite expensive but as said it is a excellent locator i don't know why another company has not jumped on the bandwaggon yet and give deben a bit of competition on the price that way us ferreters will have a choice
  12. Glad you had a nice time looks like a great little dog you have there mate well done
  13. Well done mate ferreting to guns is a great enjoyable sport when done with people you 100% trust but can be real dodgy if you have someone from the trigger happy brigade with you glad you enjoyed it
  14. Nice haul there lads well done and would i trust ray with the family silver errrr NO!!!
  15. Well done there mate nice bag of rabbits
  16. Very nice post looks like you had a good day well done mate
  17. As above we feed in the evening just before dark the ferrets work all the next day fine have done this for 33yrs with no problems we always make sure we wake the ferrets up about 30mins before we box them to give them a chance to have a sh*t or else they tend to sh*t in the boxes
  18. Well done lads on a good day and what a beautifull place to ferret
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